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"After all the things I have seen, after all the things I have lived - you are the only thing real to me."

"C'mon Ilia, you aren't really crazy."

I look up at Asher and felt my heat tighten and my heart drop in my chest, I shook my head at him, "Unnatural things exist." I state and both my brothers stood there staring at me.

"I mean I'm losing my mind, I think I might be a vampire and I'm pretty sure Silas is a necromancer." I state and they both stared at me for a good two minutes before glancing at each other and bursting into uncomfortable laughter.

I was right

I placed a hand on my hip and glanced at Asher who was scratching the back of his head nervously while Silas wiped all emotion off his face.

"Asher, you are a sorcerer," I whisper and both of them stood there with their jaws slacked.

I smile at them and rocked back and forth, "I knew I wasn't completely crazy." I mumble and they both laugh out, breaking the awkward tension between us.

Silas wraps his arms around me, "Talk to your grams, she can fill you in on some things," He whispered when Asher walked over and joined us in our hug.

"We love you, we were just trying to protect you," Asher whispers and a smile covered my lips.

It felt like a weight had been lifted, I wasn't crazy, I didn't actually lose my mind. My brother Silas was a necromancer - meaning he could raise the dead and start an apocalypse.

And my other brother Asher was a sorcerer - meaning he had the abilities of a witch.

I knew there was a reason this family adopted me, why I felt drawn to both brothers from the start, we held a supernatural connection.

And I think I feel that connection with Ben.

There was something about him - I was drawn to him. But there was this thing holding me back, almost as if we weren't suppose to be together.


"There was a tale, of a young vampire who fell for a werewolf - the forbidden love. All species were scared to mix - there was no such thing as a hybrid."

I stare at my grandmother as she continues her story, I loved hearing her tell me these tales.

"The young vampire, Aviana Blackhart fell for the dangerous Thomas Evans," She pauses and smiles sadly, "Their love is what started the war." She added on softly.

I felt my chest tighten, "She was dying, she needed his blood but that would turn him into a hybrid," My grams says and my eyes widened.

"What happened?" I whisper out, playing with my hair nervously.

She glanced up at me, "She turned him, the war started and they both died." She whispers sadly and I chew the inside of my cheek.

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