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"This is the wrong side of paradise, no laughs or happy eyes, only fear and crying skies."

It was pouring that morning, the skies crying all morning long and throughout the day. It was as if Mother Nature knew what was coming, that the rain was a small warning in a way.

Or perhaps I've gone completely crazy, but I have this connection with the Earth.

I found myself walking throughout the town, feeling this surge of energy buzz around inside of me.

"It's coming," Francis whispered, walking alongside me.

I shot him a doubtful look, but part of me knew he was right, that something was indeed coming and it wasn't good.

There's this fear, and it's growing. It's all around me and it seems there's no escaping it.

The town was almost abandoned, the few people that stayed behind now hiding away in their homes. But the ones who didn't, the ones walking around are the others. The other supernatural people.

From the looks they were giving me, it's like they knew who I was or what I was, and I wasn't use to it. Because you couldn't smell the Vampire part of me, and you definitely couldn't notice the part where I had the powers of an ancient witch.

I shook my head while laughing to myself for how ridiculous that sounded, but it was true.

When I first moved here, I didn't know any of this existed,  I thought I was just the crazy girl. Until I learned the truth, the truth about me and my family, the truth about this town and most importantly the truth about Ben.

It all put things into perspective and helped me understand.

"You'll all meet again soon some day." Francis whispered, his eyes gone wide.

He gave his head a quick shake before meeting my eyes, he reaches out for my hand and when I felt his brush across mine I knew there was something wrong.

Even though Francis was a ghost, he could still make physical contact in the living world. But when his hand brushed against mine, it was like I was seeing what he had seen.

Devastation and death, so much pain and suffering. The town would be destroyed, along with everyone living in it.

I suck in a breath and wipe my face, "What was that?" I choke out, my hands shaking as fear began to spread throughout me.

"What will happen, there's a war going on up in Heaven, a war between the Angels." He explained, wrapping his hand around mine.

I shook my head, "Theres got to be a way to stop-" I cut myself off when thunder cracked through the sky.

It wasn't my doing either, Francis shot me a look and that's when I heard these thuds, as if there was a herd of Elephants coming our way.

I caught a whiff of the air and froze mid spot, "Supernaturals, everywhere." I whisper out.

I start running into the woods, calling out for my siblings. I hear the wolves howl and see the three of them waiting there in their wolf forms.

"Go find my brothers," I say, looking down at Skeeter and Briar.

They give a small nod before taking off running in the other direction, letting out howls.

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