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"Seven Akumas seven sins seven villans what a great plan to put in action" hawkmoth said as he stands under the light coming from the window
"This should be fun"

Over at the school the bell has rung endicating it was lunch chole was the new girl of the school even if her daddy was the mayor she was shy and timid on her way out of class she kept on hearing talk about 7 sins or something 'it's probably nothing ' when she got to her locker her friend Sabrina showed up "hey chole"
Chole turned to her friend "hey Sabrina I have a question what all this talk about seven sins"
"Oh don't you know there the nasty kids of the school "
"So like they are always late or something "
"Not like that each of them show there sins through personality's

Alya is the loin sin of pride always proud of herself when something happens she must tell everyone

Nino is the snake sin of jealousy always jealous of what everyone else has that he doesn't

Nathaniel is the sin of gluttony it may not show but it's there

Then you have amber over there the fox sin of greed if she sees it she must have it or the true meaning
She has a tendency of selfish craving, grasping and hoarding.

Next to her is lyta the bear sin of sloth she always given the most difficult of tasks and go's the easy way out other than that she's very sleepy and hates being woken up

Beside her is amora the goat sin of lust she trys to hold relations really well but they don't always work with her senpai

And last but not least the captain liam dragon sin of wrath he's very kind but underneath is anger which could burst at any moment
All seven of them form the seven deadly sins "

And last but not least the captain liam dragon sin of wrath he's very kind but underneath is anger which could burst at any moment All seven of them form the seven deadly sins "

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