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Special thanks to Pomander for writing the idea out. You rock :)


A month went by and the doctors were becoming concerned with Olivers progress. He was doing really well then suddenly his health plummeted. No one knew why and his parents were distraught with grief. His grandfather continued to tell him stories which seemed to help him. But Troy was starting to struggle when it even came to telling a story. He was losing hope. The grandfather sighed shakily as he sat by the small boy. His father had left to get their older son from school, and his mother was speaking to the doctors.

The small boy smiled weakly as he hugged his stuffed lion. He coughed a little and rubbed his face. His grandfather smiled sadly and adjusted the beanie on his grandsons head.

"Are you warm?" He asked quietly and fixed the boys blankets. He nodded slowly and looked around the room.

"Can you tell me the story about the giant robots?" He asked as he smiled a little. His grandfather was staring blankly at something then looked at him.

"You mean the cars?" He asked quietly and the small boy nodded as he smiled more. He thought for a moment then looked back out the window.

"I feel that one is too complicated at the moment." He muttered and listened to the noise of the hospital. He wasn'texactly in the mood to spin a tale for him. He was too upset about the boys future.

"Oh..." Oliver mumbled with disappointment and fiddled with his small semi truck. His grandfather looked at him then sighed quietly. He stared out the window and got an idea as he saw some vehicles. He needed to distract him again and distract himself.

"Who is that?" He asked with excitement and the boy looked at him.

"Who is it Grandpa?" He asked and the man carefully picked him up then held him as he turned to the window. The frail boy held on to him tightly and looked at the outside world.

"Do you see the yellow sports car?" He whispered and pointed to the one in the parking lot. The boy smiled brightly and hugged him tightly around the neck.

"It's Bumblebee! Grandpa he is real!" He shouted and looked around at the cars. "Look! Look! It's Ironhide, Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Ratchet!" He yelled. "Hi guys!" He said happily. His grandfather smiled sadly and held him close.

"Dad... can I talk to you?" The boys mother asked as she stood by the door. He turned carefully and looked at her then gently set the boy back in the hospital bed.

"Get some rest Oliver..." He whispered quietly and gently kissed his forehead. The boy smiled and hugged his stuffed lion again. His grandfather smiled sadly and followed his daughter out of the room. He carefully closed the door and looked at her.

"What is it?" He asked quietly and saw just how exhausted she was.

"Please... stop filling his head with those stories." She whispered as tears filled her eyes. "They're not real and... he needs to start living in reality..." She said bitterly. Her father hugged her tightly and she started to sob.

"He's going to get better... and it's the only way I know how to distract him from his pain." He explained. She nodded slowly and hugged him tighter as she cried. "Let him have this time to feel normal." He mumbled and she sniffed sadly.

"I'm trying dad... I'm trying to be strong like you..." she whispered.

"I know... and it's okay to cry." He muttered as a tear fell down his face. A few minutes later a doctor walked over to them.

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