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After finding out that Chilled had betrayed me. I just stared at the ground. Deciding if I should go, or..actually. There's no other choice, but to surrender.

I already drove throughout the woods which hides my base pretty well. I had my leather jacket on my broad shoulders. I looked at my hand, Tyler secretly handed me something after they left. I'll keep it.

The cold fresh air hits my face with impacts. As my driving countinued. I remembered the damaged and hurt faces of Jon and Tyler.

I wished I could have been a good friend, but all of them ended up not trusting me. Now that I've lost my second family. What's next? My life?

You know what? That's fine. It doesn't matter anyway. It doesn't matter, anymore..All I could do for them is to protect them. That's the only thing that will matter for me.

I let the warm tears soaked my face, but having a helmet on. Makes it worse.

~ t i m e s k i p ~

After driving for a whole hour, realizing that my old gang's base is pretty far away. Going up to the hills, where I used to buy my guns and knives.

Things, had changed. I look back at the shed where we all hid back then, it was funny how nobody really opens it. Four people can actually fit in it.

But it's gone, of course. Replaced by a big battery, high voltage. If anyone would get pushed by that, they are instantly..dead. Electrified.

"..." I didn't have to say anything, I just have the last mission in my mind. I took out my shotgun, along with my pocket knife.

I did parked my motorbike beside a tree, and walked my ass up here. But it's time to go.

. . .

I went up to the big ware house by sneaking beside the hill, noticing a few rocket lunchers, and some other guns that could cost me a lot of money.

I cringe at the sight of seeing them placed on top of each other. I always placed my guns somewhere properly. At least.

I sneak up behind the warehouse, making me check out for my surroundings, and then look out for any CCTV cameras.

And they actually do have...two in the ware house, one in a pole, and one outside. Serveilance bullcrap.

I sighed in relief, after doing my sneaking tactic bullshit. I took my pistol, putting on my own mask. I never felt nervous before, once I heard someone talking to somebody.

"So boss targets that gang?" I listened, wanting to peak through a small window outside the ware house. Just curious to see, and maybe it'll help later on? Probably not.

"No, not all actually. Just one member." The other dude exclaimed.

"What's that gang called again?" I feel like this guy likes to fucking ass loads of questions in their group.

"Banana Bus Crew?"

"Well, that sounds so fucking retarted. You know, cause for a gang name."

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