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     I woke up, for no damn reason. Since my mind is all blurry, I just stood up and went straight ahead for the door.

     I walked downstairs, and saw nobody. My mind is still processing then..

     "I guess they all went out to patrol or something." I said that to myself and went to the kitchen. I saw a few cigarettes, and I took atleast two of it. I always take like 5 sticks, or it really depends on my mood.

     I should quit doing it though, I mean why do I even tried to stay alive while these polices trying to catch me. Pweh.

     Luckily, I saw a lighter. Making me go outside, lighting it up. It was actually noon already. My stomach is grumbling too.

     "Have I ever eaten when I got here?" I ask myself as I put the cigarette on my mouth. Inhailing some of the smoke, then blewing it.

     I just grinned, looking down. Stepping down on the remains of the cigarette.
I remembered the pistol that Lui gave me.

     I don't want to cause any trouble, but its been a long time already. It's getting boring. I need entertainment.

     "Action movies exist you know, and instead of getting into trouble. Why don't you just watch one?"

     "The question is, would they ever let me?" Currently having a small argument with my mind.

     "I think they would rather see you watching movies, than you being gone because you're having some blood lust and sh*t."

     "Eh, fair enough. Okay let's go." I stood up, choosing the idea of watching an action movies.

     ~timeskip~ 》half way through the horror movie.

     My face is all blank, not scared of the killers. I do enjoy watching the victims getting killed. That's how psychotic I am.

     Then I heard someone is opening the door behind me. It was so quiet, so I have the thought that it's not the guys.

     I actually took my pistol, getting ready when its not them. As the door opened, I aim at the intru...der?

     "Why are you out of your room?" Vanoss asked. Everyone stares at me, Lui giving a thumbs up at the back.

     "Bored." I lowered my gun, sighing afterwards. Then jumping on the couch. Continued watching the sh*tty horror movie.

     "We didn't allowed you to do this things right?" I snickered, making my head turn to them.

     "I would have escaped sooner. Ayeee." Making me turn my head back to the T.V

     The woman screamed, making me close the T.V.

     "What a screamer..not liking it." My eyes rolled, then I went upstairs to my bathroom. Making me stare at myself again.

     My hair actually grew again, I don't feel like shaving it again though. I took a bath again, the same routine.

     ~timeskip~ ooh la laaa

      I stepped out the shower, with a towel around my body. Picking out the most casual clothing, seeing my old tattoos afain fascinates me.

     I must really love getting tattooed on huh? I'm planning to eat food, but I was to nervous to ever go downstairs.

     Until someone call out for me. It was Moo, I was confused for a second, but I went down anyways.

     They saw me, and some of them wave to me, then mentioning me to go and eat with them.

     "Come on Y/n! I made the food!" Lui cheered up. I just chuckle.

     "I know you're hungry. Join us." Delirious said, while lifting his mask to eat. I was still standing there.

     "You haven't eaten for almost a week already, and-" Wildcat was talking then my stomach grumbled loudly. Some of them chuckled.

     "Oh wow." Marcel laughed for a short amount of time, then continued eating.

     "Are you sure?" Delirious then took out a chair, and mentioned me to sit beside him, making the others glare.

     "Ye could start eating ye know?" Daithi said, while staring at me.

     "I don't know how to...um, eat with people." They all looked at each other, and have their expressioned questioned.

     "What do you mean? Before you said, you used to be a normal person, and not straight up pyscho." Wildcat asks, everyone looked at Wildcat.

     "How did ye know about her story?" Daithi questioning Tyler..

     "She did told me. But its none of your god damn business." Wildcat annoyingly said, but everyone seems used to it.

     "So I guess I'm not answering your question anymore?" I looked at Wildcat, while picking out the food I wanted to eat.

     "Nah, just start eating." I shrugged and then say "okay." Then I started eating.

     ~timeskip~ dem food is gret

     I finished my meal, I was the last one to finish my food so, I'm the one who'll be washing the dishes. Everybody left the base except for me and Mini.

     I don't mind, I'd rather do this than get hella bored in my room. Lui's cooking was very nice though.

     Then a cheery Miniladd went up to me, and ask if he can help.

     We both have a staring contest, and since he doesn't have his glasses at the moment. I flickered some water on his face, using my wet hand.

     "Y/n!" I laughed at him, then suddenly, I was pulled and pushed onto a wall. My back felt the coldness of it. Miniladd then put his hand beside my face.

     I just stared at him,  my face was flushed with red tint. I was blushing, but I don't mind this moment either.

     Mini put his warm hand on my shoulder, and he went closer to my face. Placing his forehead to mine.

     "You have an open flight there big boy?" I chuckled, staring at his forehead. Not his eyes.

     "F*cking hell Y/n." We both laughed at each other.

     And at the exact time we stopped laughing, the door opened, making me see the guys. While Mini is still on my personal space.

     "F*ck sake Mini." I whispered to him, I went down, to crawl. I hid behind the couch. And chuckled.

     "What the hell are you doing?" I looked up, seeing Vanoss, Delirious, Wildcat, Marcel, and Lui. Looking down on me.

     "I d-don't know?" I sit down, and rub my face then looked down.

     "Oh." Vanoss said, then everyone just snickered and went to different directions. Then Mini went up to me. Then winked.

     "You fag." I flipped him off, and laughed.

     "You are an asshole young lad!" Mini pointed at me.

     "Oh yes I am!" I move my head sassily, and made a Z-snap.

    "Damn." I heard Mini said that then went away. He did smiled at me tho.

     I was left behind the sofa, rethinking of what the hell just happened. But I shrugged it off.

A/n: I'll be updating tomorrow hopefully. :^)) Tell me what do you guys think should happen next! :D

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