"L and D?" I asked her, blanking for a second on hospital terms I heard all the time at the dinner table.

"Labor and Delivery," she told me.

My face froze and my heart nearly stopped. Labor and Delivery? As in where pregnant women are so they can give birth? As in O'Reilly was back there because she was about to have a baby? O'Reilly was pregnant? Why hadn't she told me? There had to be some kind of mix up or something. O'Reilly would've told me if she was pregnant.

"Where babies are delivered," the nurse further explained slowly, like I was stupid. Then again, I probably looked like I was with the way I was just standing there with a blank expression.

I shook my head as soon as I could make my body function again. "You must have it wrong. Riles isn't pregnant. She would've told me if she was."

She shrugged. "That's just what this says. And it's very rare if the hospital makes a mistake. I didn't sign her in, though, but one of the senior doctors did. He's good at his job and has never made a mistake in all the years that he's worked here. I'm confident that he didn't make a mistake."

"What was the doctor's name?" I wondered, seeing if I knew him.

"Dr. David Lynde," she said shortly. She seemed upset that I had even questioned the good doctor.

I groaned and instantly knew there was no mistake. My father had never made a mistake in the twenty years that he had worked here as a doctor.

"Alright, thanks," I mumbled, rubbing my hand over my face. I was in total denial that O'Reilly hadn't told me she was pregnant.

"Wait, before you go, can I get your name?" she asked as I took a few steps to the elevators.

"Preston Lynde," I called over my shoulder. "Doctor Lynde is my father."

She let out a little, "Oh!" in surprise, but I didn't turn around to see the look on her face. I just went to the elevator and looked at the chart that had the different parts of the hospital listed. I pushed the up button and waited briefly for the elevator to arrive. Once I stepped inside, I pushed the button for the fourth floor and waited patiently.

Now that I at least knew that Riles didn't have any life threatening injuries, my adrenaline started to fade. I just leaned back on the wall and closed my eyes. I was actually tired now that I wasn't racing to get to her. Hopefully I'd be able to get some sleep as I waited to talk to her.

Then, my eyes flew open as I thought about the fact that my best friend was pregnant. That meant that she either has or had a boyfriend, one that I didn't know about. My heart panged painfully in my chest as I thought about O'Reilly with anyone else but me. I loved her and she didn't even have the decency to tell me she was seeing anyone.

Though, I really had no claim to her. We had only been together that one time right before I left for training. And even though it was amazing and perfect, it really didn't mean anything. We both had made it clear that we were doing it just to get it out of the way. Being that we had known each other practically forever, we agreed to be each other's firsts. I didn't know if it meant anything to her, but it had definitely meant the world to me.

I sighed as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. I slipped out of them and followed the arrow to the desk for Labor and Delivery. I asked the nurse for what room O'Reilly Lynde was in, my voice tired.

"She's in 402, hon," she said, quickly looking down at her chart. I nodded my thanks and walked down the hall until I found the room.

No one was outside the room in the chairs, so I figured they were in the room with her. I knocked on the door and when no answer came I opened it. Looking in, I discovered that the room was empty except for Riles sleeping in her bed. I entered the room and closed the door quietly, not wanting to wake her.

I stood next to her bed and looked down at her sleepig face. She was so peacful and beautiful even though there were a few different things on her hands. She had a drip in the top of her right hand and on her first finger there was a heart moniter clamped around it. Despite that, her hands were under her cheek and she was curled up on her side.

I pulled up a chair and positioned it next to her bed and sat. Like she knew I was there, she rolled over onto her back and her hands laid palm down by her sides. I grabbed her right hands gently, not wanting to wake her or hurt her.

My eyes zeroed in on her stomach that was extremely large. It was odd seeing something so large on such a small framed girl. O'Reilly was tall, but she had a petite little body that seemed so fragile, despite her strength.

I laid my free hand on her stomach and felt something push against it. My hand jerked slightly before I realized that it was the baby kicking. I kept my hand there and smiled slightly and the kicks continued. It felt like there was two sets of feet pushing against O'Reilly's stomach, but that was impossible. 

Or, I thought it was until I heart that steady swishing throughout the room. I hadn't noticed the sound when I first came in, but now it was almost too loud, continuously pounding. I realized the tempo was way off and too fast to be just one baby. She was having twins. That just added onto the mindfuck this was turning out to be.

My attention was taken from the babies to Riles when she turned back over on her side and a small moan escaped her lips, sending me back to the night we had spent together before graduation. I shook my head to clear the images and thoughts and focused back on the present.

Her eyes fluttered open and a small smile graced her lips as her eyes focused on mine. "Preston," she sighed, her eyes closing again. A split second they flew back open and she propped herself up on her elbow as I leaned back in my chair slightly, giving her some space.

"Preston!" she shouted, her eyes widening. She sat up completely in bed and threw her legs over the edge to face me. Her arms were around me then, squeezing me close to her. My own snaked around her waist and my eyes closed, relishing in having her in my arms again.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, speaking into my neck, unwilling to let me go. I knew how she felt.

"I never had to stay longer," I told her, referring to the letter I sent her earlier in the month. "I was going to surprise you today."

"I don't even care that you lied to me," she mumbled, though I could feel her smile. "I'm just happy to see you again."

My shoulders stiffened at the mention of lying, and I pulled away from her. She had a confused look on her face as I looked in her eyes. She seemed baffled while I looked at her.

"Speaking of lying," I said, pulling my arms completely away from her. "When were you going to tell me you were pregnant?" Her face blanked and her lips smashed together in a hard line. Her eyes shined like she was about to cry, and I hated what I was about to say. "Obviously never, since you're about to have not one, but two, kids. Why didn't you tell me, RIles?"

I knew there was anger in my voice, but I couldn't seem to hold it back. I was just so upset that she had kept something so big from me for nine months, even though I had sent her letters every week and she responded to a majority of them. How could she keep something so big from me?

She opened her mouth like she was about to answer, and I held my breath, waiting for her to speak and give me an explanation. Instead of saying anything, she burst into tears and buried her face in her hands.


Chapter 18, loves! Hope you liked it. I promise another chapter very very soon, maybe later today. Shit's about to hit the fan for dear O'Reilly. Even though I made her up, sometimes I just want to slap her upside the head....

Anyway, comment, vote and fan. I really love it when you do and I read everything you guys send me!

Also, since I have no friends to fangirl to, you're going to be my venting place. Justin Bieber's new album is absolutely amazing! Out of Town Girl, Fall and Maria are my favorite! So, if you love JB, hit me up and we can fangirl together ;P


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