"Jenna don't fucking yell at me." I Said.

"I've been in and out of hospitals, and you haven't been there for me, in stead you were in Jersey, on a island with Jack and the boys. Jack this, Jack that, he got me this, he got me that, look at this $3,000 ring he got me. I'm tired of it Chloe." She Said.

"Then just leave." I Said.

"I don't want to, we still need each other." She mumbled.

"Then leave for the day, comeback when you feel calm and not yelling in my face. Understand?" I asked.

She nodded her head and looked at the ground. "Give me a hug." I smiled.

"Never think I'd forget about you, my schedule is busy, and being with Jack makes me happy, I'm going to the U.K but I'm working still so it's hard to find days off. Awsten and the boys have a album coming out this month and he asked me if I'd come with to help out, I'll find a day when I'm free and we can do whatever want." I Said.

"Promise?" She asked.

"Promise, go to your boyfriend's house and calm down." I Said.

She walked out as I sat on the couch. "What's her story?" Dallas asked.

"She had a boyfriend named Jordan and he used to hit her a lot and cheated on her, he's 7 years older then her so she doesn't like when I date people 3 years or older then me being they tend to take advantage of you, and your body, then you decide to date a guy that's your age and you meet at a movie theater. Thinking nothing bad can happen at a movie theater. But you get into the theater and it's only you two there so you could talk and no one would care. But nope all male minds think the same, it's 'drop your pants and don't make a sound.' I tried to run but he caught up to me." I cried.
"My favorite part is when he kisses your head and says 'Be a good girl and get on your knees.' Then you just have to agree because you don't want to be hurt."
The whole room went silent and I felt all eyes on me. "But then he said not to tell anyone something that happened 6 years ago because if I did he'd hurt me but I just told four people, and we aren't going to tell the 5th person." I Said

I got up and put on my shoes and grabbed the car keys. "Who did that to you?" A voice said. I scrunched my face together as Jack got closer to me. "WHO THE FUCK DID THAT TO YOU!" He yelled at me.


"The brother?" He asked. I nodded my head.

He punched a hole in my wall. He picked me up and Kissed me so stop my cry's. "Shhh... it's okay I'm going to take care of it." He Said.

I shook my head no and got out of his grip. "If I were to take care of it it's going to be my way, my story i get to chose how it ends." I said.

I pulled my phone out and called him. "Asshole #1?" Jack Said.

"Jones, hows it going my beautiful?" He snickered.

"Come over, I'm alone for a few hours."

"You've finally came around huh?" He Said.

"I guess I did, hurry up I hate waiting for things I want." I cringed at The sentence that came out my mouth.

"I'm coming Babygirl, I'm walking over right now." He Said.

I hung up and stuck my phone in my pocket. "Follow me." I said running up the stairs. I opened my door to the guest bedroom and told them to get in. "Kiss me." I Said.
Jack kissed me and smiled. "I'm so confused." Jack laughed.

"Give me 5 minuets and call the police, don't come out." I Said. I ran into my room grabbed the black blindfold, and 4 sets of cuffs.

"Chloe?" Jake called.

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