siempre tu (barry.)

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requested by @CoraEx can you do an imagine with the quote « You still have all of my heart » with Barry Allen being jealous of Oliver Queen that seems very charming, sexy to Y/N. But then, she reasured him with « You still have all of my heart»


As you were measuring the speed you were going, you turned the music up. "Bad At Love" by Halsey was being played on the radio, and your favorite song had to be heard with all the volume up. This song meant so much to you, it even felt like it was written for you. Ha, you wished though. Halsey writing a song for you?, yeah right. But still, every word seemed to had been written about you. Even the part about the girls. Everything. You truly felt like you were bad at love. I mean, your romantic life and your relationship history are your strong evidence of it. Love seemed to not have been made for you. Only hookups, unrequited love and impossible fictional crushes. Wow, what a life. Well, at least your work life was going well. Yeah, you could be proud of that. 

You loved your life, despite every tiny little problem you have daily. It was adventurous, dangerous and spontaneous. Lovely. You loved danger, you loved being needed, and for sure you loved not having a normal life. Normal seemed boring, hell you knew this. But finding Central City was the best remedy for the disease that normal life is. Central City was everything but normal. It seemed at first, but after The Flash appeared, and with him many other metahumas (and problems not even he could handle), the city started to be more interesting. Meeting Barry, later finding out his alter ego, was the best thing it could have ever happen to you. The story of how you got inside the so called Flash Team was way too confusing. You had friendships, crushes, history you wished you could forget. All the ways ended in the same place: you had a position in the team. A position that seemed to had been made just for you. You were the trainer. Barry and Wally, later joined Cait and Cisco, were good at fighting. But you were better. Well, you had to thank Oliver. He really taugh you everything. 

And with the thought of Oliver in your head, you stepped on the accelerator and rushed. Star City was still 2 miles away, and the teams were waiting for you.

An hour later you made it to Neverland. Okay, it's not like that. You liked to call it like that. The bunker was impossible to find, impossible to hack, even impossible to reach. It was like the land of nothing, the land of never. Or better called, Neverland. You just love Peter Pan.

You left the car a few streets away, and jogged to the bunker. Once inside, you entered the elevator, and made it just in time to find everybody with a smile on their faces and hugging each other.

"Y/N!" Cisco screamed "...Where have you been, girl?"

"Well, don't forget some of us have a double life. My boss wasn't letting me go without a pile of paperwork. Who sent me to be a real state agent? Fuck me" you responded, exhaling really loud and throwing your backpack to the floor.

"Now you're with us, so forget that Y/N who shows houses and bring us the Y/N who kicks assess" Barry smiled, sweet as always. You half smiled back, and looked down. And in the matter of seconds, you felt awkward. That must be a new record

"Y/N baby I've missed you so bad! We have so much to catch up" Felicity spoke, approaching you and wrapping her arms around you. You hugged back and smiled. She was like a sister to you, you just loved her so much. She grabbed you by the hand and took you to the Arrow Team. It had been like a year or so since the last time you saw them, and you couldn't help but notice it wasn't the same people as always. Felicity noticed your confusion and explained to you, with the little help of her partners, what happened.

You talked and caught up with everybody for hours. You just needed that much time. When the topics started to become random, and the conversations boring, you walked away from the big round and sat on the stairs behind you. From there you had perfect view of Barry, who was talking lively with Joe and Laurel, who wasn't exaclty Laurel but was Laurel and you couldn't understand well. The whole topic about multiple earths was still too hard for you to understand.

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