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Edwin's POV


The following week was torture I hadn't heard from Nay at all . It was eating me alive and I was supposed to be playing her . She was doing me so dirty and It was breaking my heart . It's like she was avoiding me at all cost . By the locker if she seen me coming she'd quickly grabs her books and walks the other way around . In class she doesn't even sit by me anymore she sits on the other side of the classroom . I've been miserable and depressed ever since , I wasn't eating and from school I went straight home and cried myself to sleep .

"Man you need to get out of this room and you stink bad", Zion says.

"Noooo Leave me alone to die", I say stuffing myself in my pillow.

Zion snickers.

"Come on man at least take a shower than you can come right back to bed", Zion says.

"Fine a shower than I'm coming back to bed", I force myself out of bed .

After an hour in the shower and getting dressed I return to my room to see Amber sitting on my bed . My summer fling , she was gorgeous but she wasn't Nayla and that's who i wanted .

"Amber what are you doing here?", I asked confused.

"Zion called me and said you needed a little cheering up", Amber says untying her shirt .

"Actually all of a sudden I'm very happy so you can go now", I say walking over to the door .

"Don't be like that Eggo I know you miss this", Amber says walking over to me .

I back out the door and she tries to grab me but falls .

"I hate you", she says embarrassed leaving the house and running home.

I walk inside Z's room and toss Amber's top at him .

"Amber left her top in my room trying to rape me ", I say more disgusted than sad and head back into my room .

I really missed Nayla and I needed her back into my life .

Nayla's POV


This whole week has really taken a toll on me and I wasn't even being myself . I wasn't eating nor sleeping . I was even having night terrors , My mom had started staying home and being there for me . School became terrifying and Paris made me talk to a school counselor which wasn't working so I ended up being home schooled with Paris babysitting to make sure I took care of myself .

My family was absolutely cruel took my love , my sanity away from me and excepted me to move on from him . I vibed with him and all we did was kiss . My heart was shattering in my chest everyday more and more I couldn't see him . I even had to get a new I phone so I didn't even know his number to call him . That was eating me alive I swear I loved Edwin Joel Horonet and I was never going to find anyone else like him . 

"Nay how are you feeling?", Paris asks.

"Miserable", I say writing a paper I had due later on that day.

"Nay It's been 6 months now you have to move on", Paris says

"You have your nerve Paris you still have your First Love and In March you guys are getting married , You can't tell me to get over Edwin when he didn't treat me like those other girls . He made me feel so special and I was forced away from him with no explanation . Imagine how he felt when I ignored him , Now please leave me alone", I say moving on to the next assignment .

Paris gets up from the table and walks upstairs . She moved in after I stopped answering calls and texts . She walked over to my house to find me unconscious on the floor . The doctor told us it was dehydration . Honestly they should of just let me die that's why less painful than being without Edwin .

My phone rings...... It's unknown.

"Hello",I answered confused .

"Why have you been ignoring me?",The voice asks.

"Edwin?",I ask in almost whisper.

"Answer me Nayla I've been freaking lost without you",Edwin demands.

"My family",I say finishing up my paper .

"I have to see you tonight, Can I?", He begs and pleads.

"It'll be risky but if you want I can leave my bedroom balcony door open and we can walk to the park", I say .

"Okay I'll be on your balcony at 10 tonight",Edwin says smiling .

"Okay see you at 10 tonight",I say blushing as a million butterflies rush through my stomach .

"I love you Nay", Edwin says breathless.

"I love you more",I say hanging up.

Paris returns downstairs fully dressed with a big smile on her face.

"I'm going out with Dylan so I'll see you tomorrow", Paris says leaving out closing the door behind her.

I mentally roll my eyes at her and she tried to tell me to get over Edwin because of his past . Finally after I finish my homework there's a knock on the door . It's Christine and Gracie .

"What do you want?",I ask looking them up and down .

"To see you",Gracie says taken back .

"You weren't trying to see me before and It's been 6 months , Why now?", I asked feeling disgusted.

"We were busy", Christine says.

"Right all in Austin and Brandon's face right . Too busy to check up on a so called friend. Cool well stay busy and away from me", I say closing the door .

I was angry with Gracie and Christine How dare they try to come back after 6 months , where were they when I undertook therapy and had to get a babysitter to make sure I ate . My freaking birthday is in 3 weeks and I didn't hear from them but as soon as I get better they wanna pop up. I'm good being best friends with my brother and sister if this is what im going to have to go through finding friends.

The rest of the day went by in a breeze and finally it was time for me to meet up with Edwin. I walk outside onto the balcony and Edwin grabs me and pulls me into a sweet kiss . We pull away breathless.

"I've missed you Nay", Edwin says looking me dead into my eyes.

"I've missed you too Eggo. Shall we get going?", I say as we climb down off of the balcony .

We take the 10 minute walk to the park and I instantly run to the swings, Edwin follows behind me and grabs me and swings me in a circle. We fall onto the grass giggling uncontrollably .

"I'm so glad that I got to see you baby girl",Edwin says playing in my curls.

"I'm glad I got to see you too",I say snuggling closer to him.

"You're special to me Nay and You're not like other girls. At first I was going to play you but I fell in love with you",Edwin says.

"You what?", I say on the verge of tears.

"Nay I-", Edwin says before I smack the taste out of his face.

"My family were right about you , Stay away from me", I say running home. 

I leave Edwin in the grass I can't believe he tried to play me . I started to cry harder and It started to get blurry . I fall to my knees until I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"I'm not letting you leave me Nayla , I already lost you once and I'm not letting it happen again . I'm so in love with you. I can't see myself with nobody else and I don't want too.  Nayla promise me you'll stay with me", Edwin says looking into my eyes.

I nod.

"I won't leave you I promise", I say .

He pulls me into a kiss and walks me back home .

"Stay with me", I say as we both fall asleep in my bed. 

I finally had Edwin back . 😖💕

Edwin's Girl(Edwin Honoret fanfic) (Completed)(Wattys2020)Where stories live. Discover now