Chapter Thirty Six: A Superior

Start from the beginning

I left my quarters, only to see Poe and Finn sat in the corridor, waiting for me. The two of them were in silence, but I knew they were both thinking about the same things. Worrying about me, about my Mum, about the resistance, and most importantly, thinking about how the First Order was on our tail and could kill us at any moment. Not that they'd kill the three of us if they had a choice. No, we'd be reserved for special executions, if we were lucky, or at least they would be. I knew if the Resistance ever caught us and managed to capture us without killing us, I'd be taken straight to Snoke. Not wanting to think about our impending doom, I coughed, getting their attention.

Poe jumped to his feet, a small smile on his face as he saluted to me. I laughed, hoping that it didn't sound forced, considering it wasn't. Even at such dire times, Poe could always make me laugh by doing stupid stuff. Finn got to his feet too, and began to lead the way to where everyone else was. Since we had no control room anymore, the remaining members of the Resistance were all waiting in the backup control area, much smaller and much less grand, but it was at least something. Upon my entrance, everyone who was sat stood up, making me realise the true impact the First Order's attack had. Sure, I knew I was the only General left, but to see everyone look to me, all the pressure suddenly became real.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting," I called, attempting not to sound nervous. On the other side of the room, I saw Erika and Izzy leaning against the wall, Erika trying to smile to reassure me, whilst Izzy was glaring at the floor. "Rebels, this is us, we're what's left. The First Order's attack was brutal, and they're still coming, and they're not gonna stop coming until the rest of us are gone too. So, I guess, this is our last stand,"

"Great start," I heard Izzy mutter bitterly, and even though I couldn't see properly, I knew she was rolling her eyes. "Fancy reassuring us that we're not gonna die?"

"As grim as that sounds, it's the truth," I continued, ignoring Izzy. "I'm sorry for all those who we've lost and I'm sorry that we're in this position. Our next few moves are life and death, not just for us, but for the Resistance itself. But while ever we're here, while ever I wear the rank plaque of General, the Resistance will not fall, I can promise you that. We're the spark of rebellion, the spark started so long ago against the empire, and that spark burnt down an evil establishment once before, why not again? Remain strong, remain resilient, and I can promise you I will do the same as I try to lead us to safety, as well as victory,"

Taking a deep breath, I looked around the room. So many people's lives were in my hands. I could be the difference between all of these people dying. Any decision I made could destroy everything my mother had worked her entire life for. Overwhelmed, I realised I couldn't do it alone. That was when my gaze fell onto the pink haired woman I had been introduced to earlier on. Admiral Holdo. I'd looked up to her once, and she'd led the rebellion in victory. Upon seeing her, I saw her give me a gentle smile, encouraging and reassuring, it was a gentle reminder of everything I'd learnt from my parents stories, everything my mother had stood for. I knew what I had to do.

"But I can't lead you alone," I spoke. "Vice Admiral Holdo, you're the only other person here with any rank that matches to General, please could you help me?"

I hoped my voice wasn't shaking, hoped that I wasn't sounding weak or desperate. I could tell by the small gasp coming from Poe behind me that he'd not expected it. He expected me to ask for his assistance, and I could tell by the small frown Izzy and Erika were wearing that they thought the same. Surely I would have asked for help from three of my best friends who I trusted more than anything, but I hadn't. No, in that moment, I needed someone who, despite rank stating otherwise, I saw as a superior.

Admiral Holdo didn't hesitate, not as she moved towards me, taking hold of my hands and giving them a reassuring squeeze. I sensed relief and gratitude in her, and knew she was glad that I'd asked for her help. Perhaps she thought I was unprepared for command too, except I knew she would've trusted my judgement whatever I'd done. The kind, sad look in her eye as she looked at me reminded me of my mother, so maybe that's why I trusted her so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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