Chapter Twenty Eight: Acceptance

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The map was displayed proudly across the air space of the main operations room. Poe, my mother and I were stood by the droids projecting it, a proud smile playing across my face as the rebels surrounding us cheered in celebration. As Poe wandered over to a group of pilots, I glanced over at my mother, who also had a small smile on her face, though I could see through her happiness and see that deep down she was like me; glad for the map but still missing my father.

I guess Han Solo was different things for both of us. For me, he was my father, he was my hero and he was someone I grew up looking up to. As a kid, my father travelled a lot for work, but yet so did my mother, so I learnt a sense of independence from both of them, though as my mother taught me pride, politics and how to become a strong leader, my father taught me to fight, rebel and survive. Then there was Uncle Luke, who taught me serenity and how to work with the force. The three of them, as well as Chewie and the droids, shaped me into being the person I am, there were my guardians, and without them I would have been lost, especially without my father who was the only one who taught me in passion whilst Mum and Luke taught me in knowledge.

To my mother, Han Solo was the scoundrel smuggler who helped rescue her off the Death Star and although she loved him, he was also a pain in the ass. They loved each other fearcely, that was one thing I knew as a kid. My father needed my mother for her calmness but also her devotion to her work in the rebellion, whilst my mother needed my father to ground her but also to help her rebel. They were always better as a pair.

They were better as a pair, just like Poe and myself. Whilst my mother and father didn't grow up together like Poe and I did, they grew together through the rebellion, and both my mother and I had learnt to rely on the other half of our pair, considering Poe and Han as our missing pieces. Poe and I had always thought that we brought out the best in each other, I made him want to be a better pilot and he made me want to be a better Jedi. He made me want to be a better fighter, a better friend. He made me want to be better mentally too, his constant support making me want to improve my mental health after what happened at the academy. I loved Poe and had only recently realised, but all throughout my life I had needed him.

"Lucinda," my mother called, braking me out of my train of thought. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I nodded. "I meditated for a while, tried to calm myself down and it worked,"

"That's good, I'm assuming you're going to want to find your Uncle now," she said, and part of me decided that her tone almost sounded like she was expecting me to abandon her again.

"If that's what you want me to do, General, that's what I'll do, but I thought..." I began, my thoughts spinning with the vision I had seen during meditation. "I saw him when I was on Starkiller Base. When Snoke was torturing me he appeared almost like a force ghost, and then when I was meditating I saw the island and he spoke to me,"

"He did? What did he say?"

"He asked me if I would be seeing him soon," I remembered. "I've spent a lot of time these last few days reconecting with the force and I think I've gained new abilities, including a connection with Luke. I think I can communicate with him through the force, like talking with a hologram... I'm not sure, but I think I could talk to him without having to leave the Resisitance again,"

My mother frowned as she listened to me. My mother never really trained in the force, not like my uncle and I, but she still understood it, and she still had an overwhelming connection to it. She could remember people through mere feelings and surroundings, hense why she could remember her real mother. She had once told me that she could feel Luke in the force, and they had a connection which left them both to feel each other, every thought, every pain, every feeling. Since he'd left the connection had been practically severed, but now it had been rejoined, though between him and I instead.

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