Chapter 1 ✰ His Game

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Everyone knows how my story ends. Well, they think they know. I'm flung overboard and caught in the jaws of the crocodile, which drags me down to his grave. Who could guess that this isn't the real story? The crocodile is also known as the dark one and he did drag me to my grave, but who could guess that I survived? It wasn't my time to die. Not then nor any other time. It's my fate to be trapped here forever. It's a nightmare of childhood fancy with that infernal boy.

No one knows what happened after the dark one tried to kill me. It's the part you never read about in stories. I clawed through water bloodied by the bodies of my crew. They were trown overboard to be a meal for the sharks. Some of them were still on my ship.

I hooked my way up the chains to the deck of my ship. There were men everywhere, staring at the moon with their dead eyes. One of them had dragged himself a few paces towards the rail before he fainted. He left a smear of blood on the deck. I looked around and saw dozen others. Everything stank of blood and decay. My ship was completely silent. The lost boys had gone off again, but this time not in my ship. No fairy dust could raise my Jolly Roger out of her moldering berth in Neverland's bay.

I walked pass the deckhouse and heard a soft groan. The deckhouse is where he had hidden before he lured us into his trap. I opened the door and recognized Smee by his red beanie.

My fingers touched him and Smee groaned again. I knelt next to him and worked my hook arm around his back to prop him up. 'Sorry captain' he lipsed through the blood in his mouth. 'He attacked me in the dark'

'Don't talk, Smee. Try to save your strength'

Smee and I sailed together for years. He was the closest thing I had ever had to a friend in this mean pirate world. It was already too late for him and we both knew it. Smee dragged another breath out of his lungs. 'Thought you were dead'

I clenched my teeth, 'Come on, Smee. You should know me better by now. No boy nor dark one is a match for me'  A faint smile appeared on his face. Even this slight movement hurted him. There was only one way to help him now.

'The women are quite hot in hell, aren't they Captain?' he whispered

I grinned. 'Save me a place, Smee' I answered

Red blood bubbled between his teeth. 'Aye, Capt...' His eyes bulged for a moment, but then they closed in relief. 'Thanks, Captain' he murmered on his last breath. I extracted my knife from between his ribs. It was the only thing I could do for him. They were all gone now. My whole crew. Slaughtered one by one, like a game. The game of the lost boys. The game of the boy.

I forced my brain to think on practical matters. I was the last human left alive in Neverland. At least the last mature one. Neverland was also known as the paradise. A paradise for children to be specific. The boy finds them by their longing. He used the boys for his tribe and girls to tell him stories.

I've heard all the stories. I know the world sees me as one of the biggest cowards, afraid for a bloody crocodile. I wish they knew that he was so much more than just a crocodile. In the real world there's a statue of him, Pan, the boy. While I'm the evil pirate, the villain and guess what... there is no statue of me. I'm starting to realize that I'm forced to spend all eternity in Neverland. Elsewhere, time is passing in the normal way, but not here. Neverland is a bloody trick.

The boy and I had a history. He had defeated me innumerable times, but never to the death. My skin was pierced very often, but he never killed me. Every time my blood stops leaking and my flesh heals. Every day I open my eyes again with nothing more than a scar on my wrecked body.

I tried to kill him. I believed that his death will break the enchantment of this place and release both of us. The fact is that I can never defeat him. He flies, he his young and has innocence on his side. Besides, he is hearthless. I only have my hearthlessness and that will never be enough.

I went outside the deckhouse and saw it had gone dark. I was still drenched in Smee's blood. I thought I could never have enough of it. Of blood and revenge. It was the only thing that satisfied me for decades. This time it hurted me, because this game will never end.

I got lost in my own thoughts again. 'How long can you stay angry at the world?' I heard her voice. I still don't know why I didn't listen to her that day.


A/N: The first chapter of my new story! I hope you liked it!

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