In fact,

The room got suddenly quiet.

Hitman Bang's weary expression hardened while Jimin's starred wide-eyed at Taehyung.

Taehyung was confused. Why were they staring at him like had just confessed to murder? Had that joke been in bad taste?

That's when he realized.

His joke.

He had just confessed to prostitution.

To his best friend. And his boss.

"Park, you can leave now. There are matters I must address with Taehyung." PD-nim massaged his temples again. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

Jimin stayed frozen in his seat, and PD was losing his patience.

"You're dismissed, Park."

Jimin looked back and forth from his boss and his best friend. He didn't know what to do. What if Taehyung got fired? Would Jimin be able to do financially support his best friend? He supposed he had sat there too long because Taehyung put his hand on his shoulder, effectively ripping Jimin from his scrambled thoughts.

"It's ok, Jimin. Go ahead."

Jimin held eye contact with Taehyung, his gaze conveying questions and worry that Taehyung had no idea how to respond to. Then Jimin reluctantly got up at an impatient growl from PD and walked out of the room with one look back before closing the door.

"Taehyung, I know what you've been doi-." PD started gently with Taehyung, that was the only way he could even get a word out. If he started harshly then Taehyung would cut him off and he'd never get his point across.

"Please don't fire me." Taehyung interrupted, keeping his gaze on his feet.

PD stared shocked at Taehyung before he sighed.

"I'm not firing you, Taehyung."

Taehyung's head flicked up to meet his boss' eyes.

"Really? You're not?" He was surprised. Wasn't prostitution illegal?

"No, I'm not yet." He said grimly.

Taehyung's fast-beating heart dropped to his stomach.

"But I won't have to if you do as I say."

"I'll do anything."

PD sighed and shook his head. There goes Taehyung quick mouth again. He was really worried that someday Taehyung would say this to the wrong person and they'd take advantage of him when he was at their mercy. Taehyung was very clever and manipulative, but he was also very naive, impressionable and trusting.

"Listen, Kim, If I hear of you selling out your body ever again to any of my club patrons, I will fire you and report you to the police. Do you understand?"

Taehyung felt like he was going to be sick. He'd never survive in jail.

"Yes sir, I understand-"

" I mean it, Kim." PD said firmly. "I can't have you sullying my club's reputation. This place might not be the classiest joint but a lot of rich bastards come here to cheat on their husbands and wives, and they might stop if you start leading the police and other stuff here. You can't be here if you're doing that illegal shit. I'm sorry." PD truly was apologetic. He pitied Taehyung and Jimin. That's why he supplied them with jobs. He didn't want them on the streets and to hear that even after his hard work, Taehyung had still ended up there.

Well, it pissed him off to the point when he felt Taehyung needed to be taught a lesson.

"Yes, sir." Taehyung was upset but he had to comply, he couldn't lose this job. He'd never get another one. Not with his extensive record and smart mouth.

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