Chapter 2- Shopping

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An alarm sounded in the distance. I groaned and rolled over to check my phone. It read 7:30AM. WHO THE HELL GETS UP AT 7:30 ON A SATURDAY MORNING!? I rolled over and faced the window. Sunlight flittered through the curtains and fell on my face. A sweet scent wafted into my room. It smelt like... PANCAKES!

While I was facing the window Charlotte must have opened the door just the let the aroma float into every room. Either that or she wanted another way to wake me up in case the alarm didn't work. It was funny though because last I remembered I was facing the wide open door still on my soft and comfortable bed, and BOOM suddenly I was sitting at the table, knife and fork in hand and syrup ready to be pour onto my plate at any moment.

"Wow where did you come from," Charlotte laughed as she placed down the piping hot pile of pancakes on the middle of the table.

"We both know my pancakes is my favorite breakfast meal ever and I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I laughed.

As Charlotte sat down I realized what she was wearing: a white tank top with yellow sun flower all over it, a pair of thigh high denim pants the were neatly distressed, a small gold chain was around her neck and a pair of gold hoops were in her ears. A wide brim straw hat with a bow around it sat next to her on the table.

"And where are you going today?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Well since Bob left early today and left us with all these pancakes, I thought we could walk it off by shopping for room decorations for you and to fill up the rest of your wardrobe. Also you could get to become familiar with the area because after that I could show you the beach and where you'll go to school tomorrow and where I work and..." she trailed off

"Stop right there Charlotte all you had to say was exploring and shopping," I immediately said.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and slowly ate her pancakes. I on the other hand scoffed my pancakes and ran to my half empty wardrobe. Now I know what your thinking: Hazel, you literally had 5 suite cases you unpacked last night. But here's the thing. Three of those 5 suite cases were full of shoes and accessories, not clothes.

I threw open the closet door and swear if the wardrobe was an antique, the door would of come off its hinges. I scanned through my wardrobe and found a high waisted black skirt and a pink ombre singlet crop top. I chose a cute pair of white sandals and put on a grey choker to complete the look. I did my hair in a high pony-tail with curly ends and grabbed my purse and a black off the shoulder, mini handbag.

While sitting in the car I realized I was lucky my mother and father had given me a debit card with quite a lot of money on there for me already. Although they did say after it ran out I'd have to get my own money to put on the card.

When we arrived at the mall, shop after shop greeted me with new fashion designs I had never seen before. I was practically living in heaven at this point and I haven't even entered a shop yet. Charlotte suggested that we go room decorating shopping first because that way she get drop off the stuff and I continue clothes shopping and when she done she'll pick me up and we can explore more of the city instead of the mall. And so we went room decor shopping. I decided I want a theme for my room. The theme was going to be New York to remind me of my old home and my parents.

The theme was surprisingly easy to find stuff for. I found a white New York bedspread where the buildings were a pale grey, pale pink pillows with gold stripes, a cute wooden desk with a black chair to go with it, the Statue Of Liberty pen/pencil holder for my desk, fairy lights, a New York painting, a pale pink bed canopy and a black small blanket to drape across the end of my bed. Yeah we were done after spending about $250 on my room.

Charlotte went and dropped my room purchases home and said she'd be back to pick me up in 20 minutes and that I'd better to have finished clothes shopping by then.

Twenty minutes later we were on the road and headed to where Charlotte works, saying if I wanted to she reckons she could get me a job there. Then we passed the school that I was going to tomorrow and finally we stopped at the beach.

The beach had beautiful, golden sand, crystal clear blue water and people enjoying the late afternoon everywhere. Charlotte claimed she had a treat for me and after about 10 minutes of walking along the beach we reached a little smoothie and ice-cream bar. God this girl knew me too well. She ever ordered my favorite smoothie AND ice-cream saying because I was a well behaved girl I deserved it. 

"Geez thanks mother," I said jokingly causing Charlotte to look at me with a small twinkle in her eyes.

"Welcome dear," she went along with the joke.

Too soon the sun set and we headed home, Charlotte says we only left because I had school tomorrow and wouldn't want to be tired on the first day and truth be told, I'm kind of thinking that she's right. I'm told I can be worse than the dinosaurs when I'm tired. After dinner and a nice long shower I headed straight to bed and nearly fell into a deep sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. That was until I had to check if I had set an alarm. Then I went into a deep sleep.


Hey Everyone! This is Chapter 2 done! I hope Everyone likes my book/story or whatever you want to call it. I'm sorry but the first 3 chapters will/may be a bit boring because I'm trying to set the scene for you guys and that's just how I roll. But I promise after that I will begin to get the story going in a decent direct (or at least I think it will be decent).

Anyway... what will happen tomorrow when Hazel goes to school for the first time? Will she get noticed or get away with being Hazel Corbins instead of Hazel Cooks? Find out in the next chapter!

This chapter has been edited and checked for mistakes as well as adding bits in.


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