Chapter 1- Moving In

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The car quietly passed through fields and farms, making its way to my new home. I wasn't used to the small amount of space in the car, and sitting for so long was beginning to make my body protest in pain. I was used to having limos drive me around everywhere, not plain and simple cars. But I guess that was what I had grown up with. My father is Jon Cooks, he's a famous fashion designer based in New York. My mother, Mary Cooks, is his best model. And at one stage I was too. That was until he started treating me like a model and not his daughter. My name is Hazel Cooks and today I was going to be finally free from my parents, from the paparazzi, from all my modelling coaches and all the makeup and hair-style artists. Where I'm now heading to will be the start of a quiet and new life for me. I will finally go to public school, make non-fake friends, have a proper job and be able to fit in. It may seem like that's going to be hard because of my last name and everyone's practically seen my face on magazines or the internet, but I came up with an amazing disguise. I've cut my once long jet black hair down to just above my shoulders and dyed the ends grey (because apparently that's what everyone's doing). I've brought fake glasses that have contacts that won't hurt my eyes and I've even managed to get the school to give me a fake last name (to do that caused a little bit of bribing with a couple of new projectors and laptops to go to the school). When the school asked me what last name I wanted to appear on the roles I decided to stick with a last name that had originally been my mothers and that started with the same beginning two letters: Co.  Corbins, that was my new last name.

After a long 19 hour drive I finally made to my new home in Miami. The car driver pulled into a small estate and found the little house I would be living in from now on. The house had a lovely green garden, old surfboards had been done up so high hanging flower pots were drilled into the board and cute little rose gardens were done along the fence. I made my way up to the front door and rang the bell, then stood back as I heard rushing footsteps make their way to the door. The door flew open, faster than a bolt of lightning flashing across the sky. In the door frame stood a very old friend of mine.

"Charlotte it's so good to see you!" I practically scream and hug the girl in the door.

"You too Hazel" was her reply and she hugged me even tighter.

I stared at the pretty, youthful woman in front of me. Her golden hair was wavy and stopped just at her belly button. Her face was layered in a thin layer of make-up that complemented her light completion as well as made her light green eyes stand out.

Bob, the man who drove me from New York to my new home Miami heaved and both Charlotte and I turned and saw he was hauling all my suitcases from the back of the car. I looked at Charlotte and giggled at the look on her face, then made my way over to Bob to give him a hand. Bob was only staying the night to rest before driving back to New York to continue chauffeuring my parents everywhere they went. Without saying another word Charlotte and I begin unpacking all my suite cases into my new room. Bob who had sat down to rest his back from the heavy load had actually fallen asleep on the couch.

"Did you seriously have to bring your whole wardrobe?" Charlotte asked after we had unpacked the third out of the five suite case.

"Hey I have never been this lightly packed before,"I started before adding, "plus who knows if I get asked out? Maybe the weather then will be cold or raining, and P.S we could be going to a beach, night club or the movies and I had to pack in case any of that happens."I finished and began laughing.

"Well at least you won't mind if I borrow a couple of things then" Charlotte states with a twinkle in her eyes.

It took in total three hours for the two of us to finish unpacking my suit cases. A yawn escaped my mouth and Charlotte just pointed the perfectly made and soft looking bed, indicating for me to sleep after my long day. I roll my eyes mumble a good-night 'mum' under my breath and do as I was told. On her way out Charlotte shuts the door and turns out the lights and not long after I hear the door to her room shut. My vision blurred and darkness crept into the corners my eyes.

There was no way I was getting up before 10AM tomorrow...


That's the end of my first chapter guys! Sorry nothing really happened but I kinda just wanted to set the scene and make sure that you understand she hasn't really lived her life to it's full potential. Anyway, I promise the upcoming chapters will be better than this one!  Bye!

Okay so this chapter has been edited and whenever you see "Edited" at the end it (obviously) means its has been edited. I'm doing this because my story (in my mind) has gone off the rails and I don't know how to continuing writing it or even how to continue writing it and fix it while doing so. This just seemed like the best option for me. Sorry for the inconvenience of having to reread some chapters but I want this story to be the best it can and this is the only way I can fix it. 


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