Start from the beginning

"And he seems like mine?" Kassidy raised an eyebrow, glancing at her sister.

"More so than mine." Karen said in a sing-song voice before they turned to the right and continued walking.

"Kazza, we've known him for a span of four months." Kassidy reminded her. "And in that time, we haven't really seen or spoken to him that much."

"Yes, well, in about five days when filming actually starts, that is going to change drastically." Karen stated. "All I'm saying is that there might be a chance for you there."

"We should get lunch." Kassidy stated, ignoring her sister as she checked her watch. "I think it's about that time."

"You're not denying it." Karen pointed at as the two of them stopped at a door that lead outside.

"Who said I wanted to?" Kassidy shot back as she put her hand on the door to push it open, but stopped when Matt suddenly came bounding down the hallway towards them.

"Thank God I caught you two." He panted as he came to stop, trying to catch his breath.

"Everything alright?" Karen asked him.

"Oh, yeah. Fine." He waved her off. "I just wanted to ask if you both might want to go and see the TARDIS set?"

"Are you serious?" Kassidy grinned excitedly.

Matt nodded at her. "I got to see it myself yesterday and I thought you both might want to see it yourselves."

"Hell yes!" Kassidy immediately exclaimed before clearing her throat. "I mean, of course."

Karen smiled, patting her sister's shoulder as they looked at Matt. "You'll have to excuse her. She's been waiting to travel time and space ever since our Mum passed down her Doctor Who tapes to us as children."

"Kaz!" Kassidy hit her on the arm.

Matt just laughed before going and putting his arms around their shoulders and making them walk in the opposite direction of which they had been going. "Come along, Gillans. We've got a TARDIS to go see."


"This is amazing!" Kassidy grinned, spinning around as she took in the sheer coolness of the new TARDIS set. Its green and orange color and its round things on the walls just adding to the awesomeness of it all.

"So if you go up these stairs..." Karen trailed off as she walked up a set of stairs before disappearing behind a wall and appearing on the other side of the room at the top of another set of stairs. "...you end up here."

"Ooh, I wanna try." Kassidy said before rushing up the stairs and going to the same way her sister had before appearing next to her a moment later.

With his arms crossed as he leaned against the console, Matt smiled as he watched the two sisters. "It is pretty cool, isn't it?"

"Are you kidding?" Kassidy said as she and Karen walked down the set of stairs. "And I thought the previous TARDIS was cool. But this..."

"Oh, we can go see that one, too." Matt said, uncrossing his arms as he pushed off the console. "I mean, it's a bit deconstructed and it isn't lit up or anything. But it is right next door."

"We should definitely do that." Karen nodded.

"Great." Matt clapped his hands together before leading the sisters off of the new TARDIS set. "And afterwords, why don't we all go grab lunch? I mean, we might as well start getting to know each other better now if we're going to be working together almost 24/7. Hopefully we don't get sick of each other, right?"

𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 ⦅ Matt Smith x Gillan!OFC ⦆Where stories live. Discover now