twenty one • never let you go

Start from the beginning

"You are such an idiot for even thinking I could ever walk away from you."

It felt so natural when his palms cupped Baekhyun's cheeks after so, so long, and Baekhyun's hands responded, insecurely travelling to his waist.

"These past weeks without you were living hell, Baek. If you ever even dare do leave me again I swear I will go to ninth circle of hell if necessary to get you back. But what I regret the most is that you were never mine to begin with, so I'm gonna fix that first."

Baekhyun's eyes widened, his body trembling with cold.

"Byun Baekhyun, will you date me?

A radiant, blissful smile, eyes flickering with joy and heart fluttering.


Maybe more important things were happening somewhere to someone in the world. Someone got a child, someone lost a close person, someone set a world record in something.

But all of it was so irrelevant in that moment when Chanyeol's arms wrapped around Baekhyun's legs and lifted him up so now the shorter one could look at his eyes from above, hands resting on taller's shoulders.

Oh, how many words his eyes said.

"My Baekhyun." Chanyeol whispered, trying out how those words would sound on his lips.

"My Chanyeol." the latter's fingers went through his hair before he leaned down, his forehead against Chanyeol's and their noses lightly brushing.

They took their time to simply feel each other's presence, to inhale every bit of each other they had missed for so long. Baekhyun's lips first touched Chanyeol's cheekbone, parting and trailing down softly. By the time he reached Chanyeol's lips, the latter's patience was gone. His fingers dug deeper in Baekhyun's butt and his lips crushed against his, sucking in delicious moan Baekhyun let out, along with taste of blueberries and taste of Baekhyun.

It was a kiss that carried all the tension, all I miss yous, all the time spent apart and desire for one another.

"I won't" Chanyeol let him down the shorter boy could wrap his arms around his neck and stand on his tiptoes, "ever", his lips trailing down Baekhyun's silky neck and harshly removing his scarf, "let you go."

Every word came out like a breath.

Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol's head up by his hair, stopping him from kissing him and making him look in his eyes.

"Promise me that. Promise me that whatever happens next, you won't give up on me." Baekhyun's voice was shaky, like he could predict something bad coming their way. He desperately wanted to make sure they were on same page. He was still catching his breath while his heart was about to jump out of his chest. After all that time Chanyeol's kisses still had that effect on him, causing butterflies in his stomach and making his body shake in pleasure,desire and lust blooming inside him.

"I promise. No matter what, you will never get rid of me." Chanyeol grinned, leaning down just to peck him on the lips once more, holding his face gently. "Good?"

"Yeah." Baekhyun's lips tugged in a smile, taking Chanyeol's hand down to intertwine their fingers.

Wherever I go, please, don't give up on me.


"Those are not news. We've known that for weeks." Sehun mumbled with mouth full of gimbap, pointing his chopsticks at the couple sitting tightly next to each other on a sofa across him.

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