#NEW_MODEL ?(kihyuk)

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"we'll go with a model guy today.everyone be nice with him."I heard my boss saying about a new kid but I was too busy with setting my camera.
what the hell is wrong with it?
I just took a photo with it yesterday!!
sometimes it was really hard for me to handle that camera but I still loved it.
I've had it since I was a junior school student and it's been my best friend since then.
"hello!!"I heard a loud voice.
I forgot about my camera and looked at the new guy.
his white hair,milky and soft skin,pink lips and wide eyes..
honestly I didn't intrested in him at all!!!
I did.
I liked him since he walked in and bowed to every person he saw in his way.
I wish I were this polite.
"hello!!how are you??I'm new here!!take care of me please!!"he smiled and waved.
"hey.how old are you kid?"I asked and made him pout.
"I'm 19."he answered.
he was as old as I was!!
"hey come here minkyuk."the boss yelled.
"I came!!"the guy yelled back and smiled at me brightly and left to the boss.
I finally succeeded to fix my camera and smiled.
should I take a photo from him with this?
there was no doubt that he was handsome but should I really take his photos?
I tried the camera and took a pic from the white background.
"seems nice."
I jumped when I heard someone said that behind me.
he was changed now and was ready to take a pic.
"how did you change this fast?"I asked.
"that's what I do!!I'm minhyuk by the way."he smiled childish.
"I'm kihyun.nice to meet you."I smiled.
"would you stand there?"I pointed to the background with my head.
"sure!!take good photos of me kihyunnie.ok??"he said.
he was so excited.I became happy when I saw how he was excited.
he was like a kid.
"ok minhyuk.take a pose."
I really tired my best and his pics became awesome.it wasn't the affects.
he was awesome.
"I'll change now!thanks for hard working!!"minhyuk smiled and yelled and ran to the changing room.
I started to clean the stuff on my table there while the others were leaving.
I was the last one who always left after an hour after the works finished.
I was messy.my stuff were everywhere.
"oh..everyone left already??"minhyuk asked and wore his cap.
"yeah.good work.you can leave."I smiled at him and took the boxes but he put his hands on my hands.
"I'll help you!do you mind??"he asked.
"n-no..of course not!"I smiled a bit.
"good!"he smiled and took the boxes and put them on the table nicely.
he was..amazing..even from that situation he was hot.
he stopped moving when I put my hand on his back.
"w-what are y-y-you doing??"he asked shocked.
"I don't know.you're just..too handsome.."I said.
"I don't think it's the reason for hugging me from back.."he said quietly.
Did I hug him?
shit!!I did!!I was hugging him!!when did I do that??
"yeah well.."I didn't know what to say but he suddenly release himself and sat on my table and looked at me.
I was between his openned legs but he didn't care about me.
"how old are you kihyun??"he asked curiously.
you'll be embarrass if you find out:)
"we're in the same line."I said.
"waaaa..you're 19??I didn't know!!you look younger!!"he said shocked.
"because of my length?"I asked.
"no.short people are cute.you look baby face."he explained.
"I don't think I'm that short minhyuk."I pokered.
"I don't call you short!I say you look wea-"he didn't continue anymore.
well!!he was calling me weak!!
"weak?"I continued.
"n-no!!look kihyun!!I didn't mean to say weak!!you look awesome!!you look-"
I cut him with my lips.I'll show you weakness.
he was weaker!!he couldn't even push my shoulders away.
he tried once but he gave up when he saw he can't push me back.
he kissed me back.
it was just for shuting him up at first but I didn't go back!!
we continued and continued.
we went too far and then suddenly I went back for him to breath.
he tried to catch him breath and so did I.
"do you know who's weak now?"I cut him and asked.
"look..I didn't mean to-"
I put my finger on his lips and cut him once again.
"I don't care if it was on purpose or not.don't try to explain."I stared in his eyes.
he pouted and nodded.
"you have to go home."I said and wanted to take my camera but he held my hand.
"Yah!!you kissed me now!!"he said.
"so what?does that mean you're my boyfriend?"I asked.
"no but.."he pouted and slooked at the floor.
"I'll leave."I said.
"kihyun-ah.."he hummed my name.
I knew he could be cuter than before.
I smiled a bit and hugged him like a kid and locked my hands under his hip and whispered near his ear.
"I'll leave with my boyfriend min.."
he gave me a short giggle and nodded.
"lets go.kihyunnie❤"

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