#Half_brother (Hyungwonho)

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"I killed My Mother and my half brother is the only one after my father,who knows it."


"My confession.I killed my own mother.My father found out and tried to kill me but failed.I might die soon that's why I'm recording it.I want you to know my father did a crime as well as I did."
I turned my head to see my half brother was standing there,near the door of my room.
His eyes seemed dead like always.
a light smile formed on his lips and disappeared in the darkness.
"He knows."I murmured and put my phone down.
My half brother knew my secret.


"I'm gonna be late. I'M GONNA BE LATE."
I groaned and bit the toast bread while putting my books in my bag.
I didn't mean to stop but when my brother entered the kitchen I stopped automatically.
He was walking with his eyes closed.What would happen if he hit the refrigerator by head?
I wouldn't be sad if he died like that.
"Are you ready boys?"
Our mother asked and I was the only one who answered.
well I knew she just asked me since the boy in front of me, wasn't the kind who answer anything in the morning.
we got on her car,exactly next to each other.
I stared outside.
it had been a long time since he heard what I was recording but he never said anything.
I expected him to give away everything he knew but for some unknown reasons he didn't.
I turned my head When something hard hit my shoulder.
I wanted to give him my scariest face but when I saw his sleepy face I couldn't do anything.
he was leaning his head to my shoulder comfortably.
"You need to..move!"I groaned quietly and pushed him toward the door.
He moaned in his asleep and leant his head to the window.
I fixed my uniform as soon as we arrived in school.
both of us got off and entered school without looking at our mom but her voice could be heard.
"Have a good day Hoseok,Hyungwon!"


"Guys hyungwon threw a fight again!!"
one of the students shouted and with her shout everyone left the class excited.
"A trouble maker is not that exciting."
I stood up exhausted.
it was routine.
I had to be shocked if it didn't happen once.
I put my hand on my head and looked for a crowded area.
"What am I doing really?"I asked myself and walked toward the students.
I pushed them away and stared at hyungwon who was hitting a first year student.
He seriously had to stop hitting who was younger than him.
I held his collar from behind and fell them apart.
"Let go!!"He yelled and made me hold him tighter.
"You promised her not to fight again."
I dragged him with me to stop students from taking picture.
"Let go you murderer!!"
He finally released himself because I wanted him to.
he was panting but still couldn't take his eyes from my eyes.
"I see you're becoming someone like me."I said coldly.
he needed to be treated the way he was treating others.
He needed to feel he could order everyone and be uncontrollable.
but I wasn't going to give him the chance he wanted.
I wasn't because he could be someone like me.
I was afraid if he ever thought of killing his mother.
"I will never become someone like you!!"He frowned and left.
"But you already are."


"How was your day??"our mother asked and made me smile.
"It was great."
It really wasn't.if anyone would look at hyungwon's empty eyes they knew our day wasn't as good as they thought.
hyungwon got off the car and entered the house first.
"he's upset eith something."she talked to herself but I interfered.
"I'll talk to him."
I got off as well.hyungwon needed to learn to be politer.
"When are you going to talk to your mom?"I asked and leant to the door of his room.
he was listening to music and seemed like he couldn't hear what I was saying.
I inhaled and walked toward him.
he finally looked at me when I took out of his headset harshly.
"I asked you a question."I said while pressing his headset in my fist.
"What's your problem?Give them back!!"He tried to catch them but I was faster.
I held his jaw and pinned his head to the wall behind his bed.
"have you ever thought of being politer toward your mom?"I asked but I knew he wouldn't care.
he never cared but I wasn't an idiot to stand in front of him without empty hands.
"I don't think it's your bussiness.you just need to get out of my way so i can keep your secret better.don't you think?"he smirked.
I knew how I could treat spoiled kids.
"really?all I think about is if mom knows you like boys."
his smile disappeared.
he didn't know I knew he was being curious about his interest so he kissed his best friend and he understood he liked boys.
and also he didn't know I knew his twitter account.
"You need to stop tweeting your daily problems sweetie."I smirked and let go of his jaw.
he was totally off guard now and I liked it.
"I won't have any problem if you tell her my secret but you'll be crushed if I tell her yours."
he wasn't looking at me.I wanted to tease him more but it wasn't a good idea to break him completely in a time.
I left his room and entered my room.
hyungwon was way too simple to be tricked.
I needed to teach him to defend himself instead of fighting others.


My father sent me to see a psychiatrist and then he tried to kill me.
he knew I wouldn't change myself and will always be a monster so he sent some of his guards to kill me.
I was just a 12 year old boy who was running away from his father and no one would like a child like that.
my psychiatrist gave me a place to live.
she gave me a new family and now I was living with her and her son.
I stopped the shopping cart and made hyungwon stop too.
he was sticking to the shopping cart but I needed to buy one kilo potato so I had no choice but stop him.
he stared at me for a short moment and looked at in front of him again.
I stared at him from behind.
He was just a little boy when I saw him for the first time.
he looked scared when he saw me bloody.
his expression was cute.
I didn't know if my father's guards really thought I was dead or not but when I saw how he was biting his long sleeve from fear while helping his mother to take care of my injuries,I relaxed.
I wasn't thinking I would have a new family because I never had one before.
I never had a mom or a little brother.
I put my arms around his body,on the shopping basket and started walking.
"Yah!!I'm stuck!!"He groaned but became quiet when his neck hit my lips accidently.
it was nothing for me but what was he thinking?
He was gay and could think about something dirty.
"Wanna sit in it?I'll push you."I smirked and made him stop walking.
I took out the fruits I bought and without I wanna hear his answer,I held him in my embrace and sat him in the shopping cart.
I threw the fruits on his legs.
"Just act like a real donsaeng."
I started pushing him.
He was scared at first but he was laughing after a moment.
I never saw him laugh and I never..made him laugh.
People were wondering what we were doing.
no one dared to stop us.I wouldn't allow them to ruin my good moments with my little brother.
I didn't let him to get off unless he called me hyung.
it was sweet to hear that from him..
He got off after 15 minutes and we went home after taking our shoppings.
He was quiet and I didn't say anything.
We could stop hating each other easily.
We just didn't know how to love each other as bothers.
"lets stop fighting."
he stopped walking toward his room.
"I know you're tired too.lets just like each other like every other families."I hummed and made him stare at me.
"I know your secret.you know my secret.I don't think we can be like a real family."
He murmured and left me there.
I was still standing there.
He was right.I shouldn't had asked him.


I really was shocked when I didn't hear hyungwon was fighting that day.
that day was completely different.
It became more different when some guys entered the class and took me out with them.
I tried to fight them but I wasn't strong enough.
Hyungwon saw me when he was talking with his friends.
He called me hyung again.I couldn't take my eyes from him.
he was shocked to see me like that.
"Hoseok hyung!!"
He ran toward me.I shook my head.
I wanted to yelled and stop him from coming but he didn't stop running.
he tried to take my hand with insistance.
I couldn't let him be in danger so I shook my head again.
"let it be hyungwon.I'll be fine.."I smiled bitterly but he didn't leave.
he didn't leave my hand like others did.
It was my first time seeing his tears were falling from his eyes.
Tears formed in my eyes.
I could swear I loved him with every single mean works he did to me.
He tried to hit the guards but they hit him and he fell on the floor.
it was hard to feel his hands weren't in my hands.
"Let go of my brother!!"I yelled and hit them.
I was strong.I couldn't stand in front of them alone but when hyungwon stood beside me I understood that I could.
I could fight the world with him,by my side.
it didn't take a long time until hyungwon friends helped us too.
we could make them leave.I could prove my father I was stronger than my old one.
I turned my head to see if hyungwon was ok but he hugged me fast.
I smiled and curled my hands around his waist.
"lets make it.Lets make a real family."
I nodded in reply to what he said.
we could love each other now.

Monsta X One Shots🐾(hyungwonho,kihyuk,Jookyun)Where stories live. Discover now