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My eyes flutter open, and I see that I'm in the middle of the woods. I groan then feel something thrown on top of me. "This is where you ended up last time." An I attractive voice states. "Thank you for the clothes!" I say then start dressing myself. I get up and hug Damon. "I may not remember anything, but I do know that i feel safe when I'm in your arms. Yes, I feel safe when I'm in dad and Stefan's arms, but I feel different when I'm with you." I say and he smiles sadly.

"How about we start over? Arabella Rose Gilbert, will you go on a date with me?" He asks and i smile. "It would be my honor to, Damon Salvatore." I say then he kisses my cheek. "I will pick you up from the mansion at six o'clock. Wear whatever you ant, just not very fancy. There is a possibilty that we might get dirty." He says and i nod.

I walk into the mansion fast, and squeal. "What has you so happy?" The second youngest Mikealson brother asks. "Dad, I just got asked out on a date! I'm going on a date! EHHH! This is so awesome!" I squeal then run up the stairs.

"Aunt Bex!" I yell. She walks out of a door and looks at me. "What is it Ara?" She asks. "Will you help me get ready for my date?" I ask. She grabs my hands and squeals. We jump up and down, and three other men come up to us. "What's with all the squealing?!" Uncle Kol asks. "Your favorite niece is going on a date." I say then grab Rebekah's hand, and use my hybrid speed to get to my room.

"Arabella, your date is here!" Dad yells from downstairs. "Good luck!" Aunt Bekah says. I smile and slowly walk down the stairs. "Ms. Gilbert." Damon says then puts my hand in the crook of his arm. "Mr. Salvatore." I say and he smiles. "You will bring my daughter home by 10:00. I'm not going to go over the normal fatherly stuff because of three reasons. My daughter is 160 years old, we are all supernatural creatures and I could easily kill you, and I absolutely loath you." Dad says.

"By dad!" I groan then walk out with my date. "I would apologize for his behavior, but you know him better then I do. You must have been expecting this." I say and he nods with a smile. "Are you ready for our date. You do have to put a blind fold on though. I promise im not going to kill you or anything. I just want it to be a surprise." He says and I giggle.

He guides me forward, and I smile at the mystery. He removes the blindfold, and i see a picnic sitting in front of us. I smile and he pulls me down. I run my hands through the warm grass and smile. "A picnic in the park? Its perfect!" I say and he smiles. "I know you probably don't have the same feelings as me, but I'm deeply in love with you. I want to be able to call you mine. I want to be able to kiss you whenever i want. I want to be with you for as long as we are on this earth. I love you, Arabella Rose Gilbert!"

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