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I sit on the couch, looking between the people. Apparently, i was grew up with Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Stefan was my best friend, and I was madly in love with Damon. My mother died because I was a very powerful baby. I'm a hybrid werewolf and vampire. Klaus, my father, broke some curse, so he doesn't have to turn every full moon and he can sure his own hybrids. However, I can do neither of those, I still turn on full moons, and I can't make people like me. The reason I don't remember this, is because my aunt was mad because some guy decided to tell her he hated her. Oh, and Klaus is my real father who abandoned me when I was born. The one who abused me was my step-Father, Jonathon Gilbert! Also, I was locked in a tomb with other vampires for 136 years!

I look between each person, and I can see they are telling me the truth. I groan and fall back on the couch. "How am I supposed to know this is real? I have no memory of any of you! How do I know you aren't pulling some cruel prank?!" I ask while getting up and starting to pace around the room.

Damon comes up and cups my face in his hands. I feel safe in his arms, maybe it has to do with everything I don't remember from the past. I lean into his touch, and he smiles sadly. "Can I help you remember?" He asks quietly and I nod. We both close our eyes, and a vision pops in my head.

Third POV
Damon Salvatore walks into his room, and sees a crying Arabella on his bed. His heart breaks into a million pieces and sinks into his stomach. He walks up to her and hugs her. She starts to flinch, but realizes it's her best friend who is also the only man she ever loved. "It's okay, Bells! I'm here!" He says when she lays her head on his chest. He starts to rock her and kisses her forehead.

I open my eyes and look at him. The emotion that was switched between the two of us in that, makes me know for sure that it happened. "I can tell we had something, I just don't remember it!" I say and I can see his heart break. "Let me try!" Stefan says.

Third POV
Stefan walks to his secret spot, and sees his best friend sitting there. He runs to hug her, needing the comfort. "We got a call saying he was injuries!" Stefan says out of breath to the white headed girl in front of him. "He'll Be Okay! He's a Salvatore! He knows we'll bring him back to life just to kill him if he dies on us! He won't leave us!" She whispers to him, rubbing his back. "I'm scared, Arie!" He says and she kisses his cheek like she always does. "Everything will be okay!"

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