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I wake up on the ground. How on earth did I get here?! I look around me, and see that I'm naked. I also see the dirt and blood all over my body. I start freaking out when I see that it's not mine, because I don't have any wounds. Did I kill more people?!

"Miss, are you Okay?!" A woman's voice asks. "I don't know." I reply. "Where are you clothes?" She asks. "I don't know." I say again. She throws a blanket at me, and I cover myself. She helps me stand up, and I hug her. She slowly pats my back. "Can you tell me anything about yourself?" She asks me. "My name is Arabella Gilbert, I live with my life-long best friends Damon and Stefan Salvatore, and I am twenty-one years old." I say and she nods. "Come with me. I'll take you to my office, then have Damon pick you up." She says and I nod.

We walk into her office, and she hands me some clothes. I thank her then walk to the bathroom she pointed out, to put them on. I hear her call someone, so I listen in.
(Bold is Damon
Normal is Sherrie Forbes)

What's up Liz?
I have a girl here in my office
Is she cute?
Really Damon?
She says her name is Arabella Gilbert, she's twenty-one, and she says she lives with you.
Bells! You found her?!
Yeah, she's with me right now.
I'm on my way!
Okay, we'll be waiting. Is she a vampire?
Okay, I'll give her a blood bag.
Don't, I'll take care of the blood factor with her.

She hangs up, and I walk out. "Okay, Arabella, so I know your a vampire. However, I have never met a vampire who likes to sleep naked in the woods." She says and I nod. "I grew up with Stefan and Damon, but I was turned into a vampire and thrown in a church. I was supposed to die in it, along with a bunch of other vampires, and it was opened day before yesterday." I say and she nods.

The door opens, and Damon walks in. I jump up, and vamp speed to hug him. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he wraps his around my waist. "I'm here, Bells!" He says and I move the collar of his shirt out of my way. "Damon, I found twelve people with there body's torn in pieces, all in the woods surrounding the old church. I think we have another vampire on our hands." She says and I roll my eyes. "You still have a council?" I ask and she nods.

"Hey, Bells Babe, lets go. Your probably hungry." He says and I nod. He wraps his arm around my waist, and we walk out. "What happened to you last night?" He asks as we get outside. "I ran out after you and Stefan were fighting, and I ran to the tomb. Then my bones started snapping and breaking, and I fell down the stairs. I blacked out, then woke up naked, with blood and dirt all over me."

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