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• Ariel •

After a grueling long haul flight, we finally reached LAX. That's when everything hit me. The air here is different. The people look different. I felt like a tourist, with my brown hair, black eyes, rosy skin, and chinky eyes. 

Alyssa, however, she blends in perfectly. Her mom is American, which makes her half American half Filipino. No wonder her height is model-worthy. Here though, her height is the same as everyone else's. They are all so damn tall.

"This is the life! We're living the American dream, Ariel."

Maybe you are, I say to myself. I'm here because I want to continue what I love doing without anyone trying to hold me back. 

The funny thing is, Alyssa has more fans here than back in our country. The moment we lined up in the immigration area, there were teens asking to take photos with her. 

"I can't believe you're here in Los Angeles!" Says teen 1.

"Are you on a vacation right now?" Teen 2 asks, while snapping photos of her.

"Oh no, actually, I'm staying here for good. I'm releasing a video later actually. Woops! Spilled the beans." 

The teens gasped in excitement, and then they turned to me.

"Is she your girlfriend? I've never seen her in any of your videos..." One of the girls glared at me icily.

"Oh nonsense! I like guys. Ariel is my... um, friend."

I swear, she was about to say writer, the one making all my content, but she hesitated. What did I expect though? If anyone knew about the set-up, then people will surely be turned off. I mean, that would make her just a pretty face in front of the camera. 

Most Youtubers brainstorm and make their own content. As for her, she just appears on camera and goes with the script I write her. 

I wanted to correct her, I really do. But then I remembered:

A) She's the one providing for my lodging and my salary;

B) Nobody knows who the hell I am, so what if I write her content? It's not like, all of a sudden, a big publishing company would want to sign me.

For the time being, I'm happy where I am. In the shadows. Writing. Sure, it is my dream to vlog, but that's something for the future.

When we reached the baggage claim, I saw someone holding a huge tarpaulin that writes "Alyssa Garcia" in gold glitter. Hand it over to Alyssa, for being low key, alright. Note the sarcasm.

Alyssa claps her hands and heads towards the person. More people go to her and ask for pictures. She turns to me, smiling sweetly.

"My apartment is on top of the hills, somewhere. I don't know exactly where, but it's amazing. You could've been living with me but you refused so, I hope you're okay with the apartment downtown. It's small, but it's comfy."

"Yeah, I'm okay with that. So, shall we go?" 

"Oh, about that...." Her voice trails off. "The chauffeur I booked is from the apartment I rented. Unfortunately, you have to take the cab. We can meet at my place? I'll send you the address. Here's your booking, by the way. Do you have any more questions? I badly need a soak."

She gives me a worn out business card of an apartment complex nearby. 

"Um, thanks, I guess."

"Great, see you!"

She leaves, waving to her fans, while I drag my luggage and go to the nearest taxi stop. I hail a cab and tell the driver my destination. After an hour, I reached the apartment from the business card. It's a little run-down, but hey, it gives it a rustic kind of charm?

Bah! Who am I kidding? This street looks real sketchy. I don't see anyone walking, and it's broad daylight. Sighing, I ask the receptionist on Alyssa's reservation, and she wrinkled her nose in disgust, giving me a key.

"Room 204. It's in the second floor." She says in a bored monotone voice.

The room is... not as spacious as my room back in the Manila, but this will do. There's a bed, a study table, a computer, and a small closet. I don't mind the small space since I didn't bring much with me anyway. And also, I could not complain, even if what she got me is a shabby apartment, the room looks clean. It's livable, and there's WiFi connection. I can watch The Dolan Twins, write in peace, and be free from Alyssa. It's perfect.

It's still morning, so I decided to take a walk. I love travelling, and walking. I never experienced jet lag, I don't know why, but it's a perk. It's my first time in Los Angeles, so I really wanted to explore what the city has to offer -- and because I'm really hungry.

I got my phone, and plugged my earphones. Man, this place is beautiful. It's so different than where I grew up in. I saw a food truck down the street, so I ordered a burrito. I love burritos and Mexican food.

I was concentrating on my burrito, when two guys bumped into me. My burrito fell. I was too stunned to react and just kept staring at the burrito. They were both wearing hoodies, and trying to lower their heads. I hear them apologize again and again to me, but they didn't stop running. 

They have plastic bags on their hands, and if I'm not mistaken, I see a lot of wood, a bottle of blonde hair dye peaking out, and other random things. 

For a moment, I thought I recognized their voices from somewhere, but I'm not quite sure. I also recognize that brown mop of hair....

I was thinking hard, but my attention diverted back to my fallen burrito. Hey, 5 second rule, right? My burrito was perfectly wrapped in foil anyways, and I'm still really hungry. I was about to pick it up, when a biker crossed the road and squashed my burrito.

I look back down at my squashed burrito. I guess this is one of those bad days of mine.

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