Author's Note

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It's been a while since I wrote fanfiction, and truth be told, why I wrote this story will have similarities on how the main character writes the story.

I really wanted to make my experience and how I became a fan to be more personal in the story. There are lots of parts in the story and in the main character that relate to how I am as a person, my struggles as a writer, and how I am as a fangirl. (#lowkey)

Of course, this is still fiction, since it's impossible for them to notice me... for the time being. Keeping the hope alive, people!

Nonetheless, I'm already happy sharing with you guys the story. 🌸

Also, go watch their Youtube videos and subscribe to them. They are super hilarious! 💖

Vote + comment on this story. If you like this story, share it to your friends.

Who knows? This story might actually reach them. It would be a dream of mine if they get to read this story! Let's make it happen. 🎆

X Kim

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