"No, August that cant be true" I said in shock.

"How the fuck you gon tell me Pooh?" I stared at the angry glare on his face starting to get upset.

"My pops aint a fuckin killer August, get your facts straight before you try to excuse him of murder! " I said angry knowing it was a lie. My pops had killed plenty of people but somehow I always make excuses for him not wanting to see him as being this horrible person, because deep down I know he's not.

"I was there when it happened, not you I had to get my ass up and run for my life leaving my brother dead in the streets, not you. So get yo facts straight before you try to make excuses for a cold murderer."

"That was your choice." I said under my breath.

"What you say, Ian hear you?" He scoffed.

"That was your choice August, get that straight." I said louder in anger.

"You cant be fucking serious right now ma, are you serious?" I remained silent, glaring at him. "My fuckin brother died and your pops killed him and the fucked up thing about it is that I knew that shit when I met you, but Im the dumbass who still decides to fuck with you. But its cool lil ma, Im out."

"August wait!" I yelled realizing how fucked up I am for the stunt I had just pulled. "Im sorry, but try looking at things from my point of view, what girl wants to see there pops as a killer? "

"Get the fuck outta my life Pooh, damn I wish I had listened to my boys, your just like them." He looked me up and down in disgust before storming off.

"August wait, please dont leave." I followed behind him stopping once I saw him get in his car and pull off. "Im sorry" I said under my breath feeling my eyes sting.

I was shocked that he had actually left me there, but then again I wasnt because after what had just went down I would've left me too.

I was beyond fucked up for the things I had said to August. I dont blame him if he never talked to me again. Mama always told me before she died, that if you truly care about something let it go, and if it comes back then it was meant to be, if not then it never was .

I'm not gonna lie to myself and say I dont want him back, because I do, but I refuse to chase over him like a lost puppy. I want to but Im not trying to make a fool out of myself for no nigga. I just hope he comes back, or atleast forgive me. I called grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed my brother Trap's number.

TRAP: hello?

ME: Can you please come pick me up? Im at the park over by the Rec.

TRAP: You gon tell me why the hell you over there?

ME: You gon come get me?

TRAP: Im on my way.

I hung up the phone, and waited for my brother to come get me.

Once he got here, I quickly got in the car to smell a strong scent of weed hit me in the face. He was smoking a fat ass blunt. He passed it over to me and I hesitated a bit, but I took a hit. I mean I dont do it often, or hardly ever because its not cute but at this moment I really needed it. I couldnt take my mind off of August, I was in a deep thought until I heard my brothers voice speaking to me.

"You okay lil sis?" He asked concerned. "Yea Im good."

"You sure? Do I needa go shoot a fuck nigga?" I sighed feeling annoyed. "No I said Im good Trap damn." He looked at me before stopping the car in the middle of the damn road. I rose up from my seat looking out the window feeling relieved to see we werent on a busy road, because this nigga had lost his mind.

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