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/ / Chapter Seven: Looked Just Like an Angel in Disguise / /

Thump. Ariel continued to sleep despite the sounds his window was transmitting. Unfortunately, his dedication to slumbering had no effect on the lanky brunette boy outside his house. Rocks continued to bounce off his window, clanging and thumping against the frame and glass. Eventually, Ariel was forced out of bed after a particularly loud ker-crash! Scowling and grumbling to himself, the teenager stumbled out from the warmth of his covers and towards the window.

Elbowing past the diaphanous curtains, Ariel flung the window open. Before he could open his mouth to curse out whoever or whatever was making such a racket in the middle of the night, a smooth rock struck his jaw. "What the fuck, Kace?!" Ariel screeched upon seeing a shadow of dark hair. Since he was beyond tired, Ariel had no impulse control and proceeded to whip the stone back out the window with as much power as he could muster. Unfortunately, his level of sleepiness also impaired his aim and strength. The rock lightly hit Kace in the eye and bounced back to the ground.

"Ouch!" Kace yelped, a pale hand flying to cup his face. "Will you just come down? Or let me in? I mean, you did just assault my innocent, li'l eye with a mean, dirty rock. My pupil's been deflowered!" Kace whined dramatically.

He was met with a scathing look of tired frustration. "You threw the fucking rock first!" Ariel groaned, but his tone was resigned. "I'll be down in a sec. Throw another rock and I'll be shoving it somewhere other than your eye."

Moving slowly, Ariel pulled a baggy shirt on over his bare chest without bothering to change his pyjama pants. Once dressed, he listlessly dragged himself down the stairs and into the backyard. Kace scampered up to him with a little smile. "What do you want?" Ariel snapped, unbothered by the fact that he was very obviously grumpy and tired.

"My car broke down. You know about that stuff, right?" Ariel did, in fact, know an impressive amount about cars and their inner workings, though he had no idea how Kace found out. "Also, do you have a first aid kit? Or ice? Your jaw is bleeding."

"Well, whose fuckin' fault is that?" Ariel replied grumpily, fighting back any hopeful or fond thoughts about the concern he thought he heard in Kace's voice. "It's inside," Ariel added, starting to walk towards the door with Kace trailing him. "Don't wake my siblings. Lauren has a test tomorrow."

Kace mumbled something that sounded like, "You're such a cute big brother."

"What?" Ariel asked without glancing back.

"Nothing," Kace replied, quickly speaking again before Ariel could question him. "Your house is dope. Where are we going again, the west wing?"

"It's basically the same size as yours," Ariel replied, arching an eyebrow. "And we're going to get ice and a first aid kit, dumbass. You have the memory of an intoxicated squirrel."

Kace groaned. "It's too late for big words," he complained. "Can't you fix our faces and then my car without using more than two syllables."

Ariel scoffed loudly. "First of all, you're the idiot that wants to drive around at midnight. Second, syllables has three syllables." Kace responded with a drawn out whine. Ariel stopped in his kitchen, kicked Kace in the shin to quiet him, and turned to open the freezer. He tossed an ice pack at his companion, listening to the thump and muffled yelp as it bounced off of Kace's forehead. "Hold that to your eye," Ariel ordered. Grabbing a second ice pack, the year eleven closed the freezer. He took a few steps over to reach under the sink and grab a first aid kit, opening it and retrieving a bandage and piece of gauze for his bloody jaw. The blond held the gauze against his face and pressed an ice pack over top of it.

"You okay?" Kace asked when Ariel winced at the sharp sensation. "Sorry," he tacked on.

"Whatever," Ariel mumbled. He spoke softly through a wave of fondness that bounced around his chest in response to the genuine concern in Kace's voice. "Where's your car? I'll go fix it." Looking confused, Kace tilted his head slightly but led the way through Ariel's garage to grab tools and then to the rundown Toyota.

The pair walked onto Kace's driveway, where his car sat with the key still in the ignition. "It wouldn't start," he supplied. "Just kinda grumbled and kksh'ed at me." Nodding, Ariel climbed into the car and popped the hood.

Time passed rapidly for the older boy. It always did when he was playing mechanic, minutes slipping into hours, and before he knew it Kace was curled up in the backseat with his mouth open and little snores escaping his lips. With the engine fixed and greatly improved, Ariel shut the hood with a satisfying clunk and knocked on Kace's window. Snorting and shaking his head from surprise, Kace sat up and stretched his long legs. "Hey," he managed, leaning forward awkwardly to open the door.

"Your car's fixed," Ariel informed. Kace's baby blue's lit up like a sapphire sitting in the bright sun. Great, Ariel thought, I just helped my crush get to a booty call. Almost immediately the boy felt a strong urge to slap himself. Never before had he mentally referred to Kace as his "crush."

Unfortunately, Ariel was so incredibly tired that he didn't have a very strong hold on his mind. Because of that, he found himself speaking before he could think it through. "Since I fixed your hunk of junk, you're buying me food."

"Sure," Kace instantly agreed. "I was heading to McDonald's when my car broke down anyways."

Ariel scoffed. "Right," he replied sarcastically. "Is 'McDonald's' code for your girl of the night?" It took an impressive amount of effort to conceal just how much that idea fucked with Ariel's emotions.

Kace giggled. "No. I swear on my sweet, sweet ass that I really was just going to get some fries. Besides, I like dick." Rolling his eyes and giggling, Ariel elbowed Kace towards the driver's seat.

"Get in the car, neanderthal."

a/n this is a flop but i already prewrote the whole book sO (that was so pathetic, shit man) 

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