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"Faster, Al'Lyssandra! Come on, I know you can do this! Move faster!"

The thirteen years old girl tried her best, but after an hour of non-stop fighting, she breathed hard and her muscles burned painfully. Her master was kind, but relentless and obviously determined to turn her Padawan into the best Jedi that had ever existed in the whole galaxy.

So far, Al'Lyssandra's apprenticeship has been unlike any other. She trained hard since she was four years old. Her parents dropped her of at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for unknown reasons, the Jedi Council spotted her potential and she was put under the wing of Mirella, a highly skilled Twi'lek.

Al'Lyssandra and her master were in one of the training rooms, this one being bright red colored. Her chest raised and sank, the glowing green lightsaber in her right hand. She and Mirella were intensely staring at each other.

Suddenly the Jedi Master took a fast step forwards and hit the Padawan lightly with her own blue lightsaber. As Al'Lyssandra felt a slight pain she gasped quietly. Petty anger consumed her and she wanted to avenge the hit; she felt embarrassed that she had let her guard down again. 

However, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and managed to calm down. The pain was already gone as the lightsabers were on training mode. The two began circling each other, staring into the counterpart's eyes.

Al'Lyssandra regained her posture and her breathing had already turned even again. She certainly was in a good condition, yet, she still had much to learn. But no one could've doubted that she definitely possessed great power and talent. Again, her master attacked her, but this time she was prepared. She dodged the hit easily, just like she did with the following.

Mirella's attacks constantly got faster, though Al'Lyssandra was now concentrated and captured in the heat of the fight and defended herself without problems. A smile creeped it's way onto her still child-like face that would later turn into an adored and beautiful one, as the Master yelled slightly breathless, "Good! Very good, indeed!"

They've been exchanging blows for about five minutes, when Al'Lyssandra decided that was enough. She swung her lightsaber at her Master's uncovered leg and hit her. Afterwards she managed to hit Mirella's hand twice, which caused her to let go of the lightsaber. Al'Lyssandra caught it out of the air, holding both weapons crossed at her opponent's throat.

She laughed, proud of herself. She knew many way older Jedi wouldn't have been able to defeat the Twi'lek. Mirella praised her Padawan, before taking back the blue lightsaber. A new heated fight started, sweat pearls on their faces. More often than not, the young girl won the upper hand.

Mirella was incredibly proud of what she had already achieved with Al'Lyssandra. She was only a teen but already a skilled combatant. She could only imagine how powerful an adult Al'Lyssandra would be.

Meanwhile, hidden from the duo, Master Yoda and Master Mace Windu, members of the Jedi Council, watched her through a window above the room.

Concern was written on Windu's face. They were talking about a very serious matter. "Right, Knight Kenobi was. Unusual skilled she is," said the small green Jedi.

"I know," the tall, dark-skinned man responded. "But will it be enough to save us?"

The Grand Master shook his head, thoughtful. "A great darkness approaching I feel. A war. Strong and powerful the girl is, but nobody the danger coming can stop alone." He glanced at Al'Lyssandra, who had just won another fight. They seemed to finally terminate the training lesson, since both of them left the room.

Mace Windu faced the window in front of him, staring at the beautiful city of Coruscant. Everything seemed peaceful. "I have trust in the girl's abilities. Surely, she'll write history among the Order of the Jedi. She's strong with the Force, too. She's passionate, ambitious and determined to fight for the good in the galaxy. But...," he discontinued, sighing.

His shoulders fell. He suddenly felt weak as he thought of the dark times that will come for sure. He could feel it in the air, the first hint of the destruction announcing itself. The Dark Side of the Force was strengthening again and he couldn't do a thing against it. Mace Windu was a powerful Jedi, but for the first time in his life he realised he was completely helpless. It angered him, yet, his face stayed clear of any emotions. He didn't like having to rely on a single person, but he didn't have much of a choice. Maybe, the girl will be the only hope they have left. The peace the Republic maintained for centuries will soon yield into war.

"This is the beginning."


A/N: Hello, there.
So, this was the first part of my new story. I hope y'all enjoyed it and bla, bla, bla... I won't add author's notes to most chapters, because I'm certain nobody cares about them and skips these parts anyway.😂 I just want you to be aware that I'm not a native english speaker. I've been learning the language since third grade and I speak it fluently, but still there might be some spelling or grammatical mistakes. So, please don't go to hard on me and don't think I'm hella stupid. Feel free to correct me. (In a polite way) Furthermore, I'll still need some time to pre-write chapters, but I decided to publish the prologue already, because I wanted to give you an example of how the story will be like🤷🏼‍♀️

May the force be with you.

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