I Have A Story To Tell You

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Jennifer, dressed in skin tight denim jeans and a pink bomber jacket, steps onto the New Quay Campus for the very first time as a student, arm in arm with the preppy looking Victoria on her left and the optimistic and hopeful Julianna to her right. The trio stand, beaming, at the entrance to the original Delta Meta Zi sorority house, their eyes wide with awe. A stereotypical sorority girl with bleach blonde hair and a salmon sweater caressed across her feminine shoulders greets the girls with a cheered smile, "Welcome to Delta Meta Zi, sisters". As Victoria gets knee-deep in discussing sorority life with the president, Jennifer's cell phone rings so she excuses herself from the group. Leaning against a towering oak tree, Jennifer answers the phone with a smile, "Hi, H". Holden is on the other end of the line. "I just wanted to wish you luck on your first day, Jennie. I'm so proud of you. Have a crazy amount fun. I'll see you soon", speaks Holden, before he lost himself. Jennifer tears up under the tree, as she fights them back she responds, "Tell Mom and dad I love them. Talk soon". Jennifer hangs up the phone and returns the group as an excited Victoria skits to Julianna and Jennifer, "We're pledges, girls! We're pledges at DMZ!".

Victoria and Kennedy, just married and decked out in their flowing diamond infested wedding dresses, walk towards Jennifer and Bailey's table at their wedding reception. Jennifer, wearing a purple silk dress, sighs, as there is still no sign of Connolly after searching for a day. "We'll get him back, Jen. Your bitch of a mother's gotta come out of hiding soon. I mean, graduation is in an hour, you know as well as I do that she won't miss both events. It's not in her nature", states Victoria, sitting down next to Jennifer, clutching her hand for moral support. "We've been through hell and back, three times, together. We can survive one last psycho. Together", smiles Victoria, as she and Jennifer embrace, as Bailey walks over, decked out in a short red velvet gown. "Something's gonna happen at you guys' graduation. I can feel it", she reveals, a hint of worth in her voice. Jennifer looks up at her sister and spouts, "I hope it does. Taking my baby from me was the last straw. I don't have a mother". Kennedy interrupts the conversation and informs the group that "the graduating class are gathering in the gymnasium. Time to go". She says that with her voice delved in concern, as Audrey looms in the darkness. Jennifer, Victoria, Kennedy and Bailey all leave the wedding reception, with Jennifer and Victoria changed into their graduation gowns and Kennedy in a jumpsuit. As the group walks across the campus in the beaming sunshine, Audrey lurks in the bushes behind the wedding reception, holding the big red button for the bomb under the graduation stage and a handgun. "It ends here", she whispers to herself, as she slowly follows the group towards the graduation hall. Jennifer and Victoria walk behind the graduation stage, holding each other, as Bailey and Kennedy take their seats for the ceremony, as supportive family members. As 310 students graduate, thanks to a great coincidence, Jennifer and Victoria are the last two students to graduate from the class. Before they go on stage, Victoria smiles, "Forget about everything. We made it. We're here". Jennifer kisses her best friend on the cheek as "Mrs. Victoria Lolita-Jefferson", is called out on the speakers. Victoria takes a deep breath and she walks onto the stage, her certificate symbolising her transition from darkness into light, as Kennedy cheers her new wife on and a teary Jennifer claps proudly, feeling emotional due to Julianna and Connor's absences. All alone behind the stage, Jennifer sighs, content that she will finally be able to leave New Quay College behind, and with it all the horror and death. "Ms. Jennifer Richards-Hudson". Jennifer walks on stage, emotional yet confident and receives her diploma. The entire auditorium claps, cheers and chants for Jennifer, knowing exactly what the school had been to her. As Bailey stands up and applauds her graduate sister, from the angel to which she is standing, she notices a bulge beneath the stage. Using her police skills, Bailey realises that it's a bomb. Knowing Audrey is watching somehow, Bailey plays it cool as if she is oblivious to the bomb. Bailey can also see the timer, which reads a heart stopping 45 seconds. Bailey springs into action and let's her lungs let out, "There is a bomb under the stage! Get out, let's go! Get out!". The room bursts into panic and havoc, as people race for the doors. Bailey runs, removing her high heels and grabs Jennifer's hand, as they exit through the Fire exit. Kennedy and Victoria, also linked, follow suit. The foursome run as far from the building as possible, as it explodes behind them, leaving the number of casualties unknown. Jennifer cries, "I knew it. Thank you Bailey". The group embrace each other, as they avoided almost certain death.

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