Grand Scheme

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The silk white sheets fall over Victoria's back as she lays passionately atop of Kennedy, lovingly. The lovers kiss as Kennedy bites her upper lip and whispers, "In two weeks we'll be graduates and you will be my wife", as Victoria beams, "And this'll all be over", planting a delicate kiss on Kennedy's waiting lips. Victoria falls next to Kennedy on the queen size beds, the sheets keeping her decent. "So", she huffs, "you'll be a biology graduate and I'll be a communications grad. What's our plan?". Kennedy smiles from cheek to cheek, "I've always pictured us living in a penthouse in New York with me being a biologist and you writing fashion articles for The New York Times". Victoria whispers, "Perfect", as she kisses Kennedy on the cheek, hoping out of the bed and into the shower.

Jennifer, sitting on the floor in the middle of the Delta Meta Zi living area, panics to an open eared Bailey and Alec, "I need to do something. I have to protect Connolly". Suddenly, a loud knock is heard coming from the front door of the sorority house, as Bailey gets up and asks Jennifer if "It's okay to answer?". Jennifer nods her seal of approval, as Bailey places her perfectly red manicured left hand on the diamond door knob. Aria stands, her massacre trickling down her face, at the other side of the door, as she barges in, ignoring Bailey. "Jennifer. You know don't you, that she impregnated herself?". Jennifer, once again, nods but this time it's smeared with disgust. "She's building her next generation of killers since this one failed on her", states Jennifer, not quiet believing the words escaping her mouth. "What do we do? She has my child!", worries Aria, as Bailey uses her detective skills and pipes up, "We need help. A different kind of help". Jennifer's Eyes widen as she shakes her head no, knowing exactly what she's talking about. "They're dangerous. He's dangerous. There's always a price with them. No". Bailey continues, "Harrison Daniels is a bad idea". After a few moments of deep contemplation Jennifer perks up, "Call him".

Audrey strolls around her eerie make shift children's nursery, carrying baby Holden James in her arms, cooing and awing and his every move. Audrey places her left hand on her growing pregnancy bump as she whispers to it, "You'll be the one. I know it". Audrey places Holden James back into his crib, as she straps blood red high heels and a black as coal trench coat on and allows a nanny, who is oblivious, to enter the house and look after the baby. The male nanny asks, "Where are you going, in case anything goes wrong?". Audrey turns around, slyly and smirks, "Collecting my granddaughter". Bailey's daughter Maddie is in danger.

Victoria, her hair tied up in a top knot, damp, sits on her bed, scrolling through the internet on her Apple MacBook. As she is doing so, she decides to check her emails. Victoria's eyebrows crease in confusion as she receives an email from 'The Chaiards School of Medicine", a place she has never heard of. She opens the email. Suddenly, her computer goes dark. "Dammit", she spouts, assuming the email to have infected her laptop with some sort of virus. She grunts in frustration. Then, all at once, the device powers back up and what appears on the screen stops her heart. A video of CCTV footage shows Kennedy, dressed in black head to toe, as she drags Victoria through the halls the night she was hung by The Nurse. "It's her", reads an anonymous font. Tears well up in Victoria's eyes as she believes her fiancé attacked her.

"Thank you for coming so soon", smiles Bailey, as the handsome Harrison Daniels enters DMZ, wearing a V-neck charcoal sweater that emphasizes his Latino muscles. Jennifer fakes a smile and says, "Nice to see you again, Harrison", revealing them to have a history. "It's Governor Harrison, now", corrects Harrison. "Governor? Of where?", questions Jennifer, stunned. "Georgia. Needed something to distract me from my past career", he explains. "Thing is... we sorta need some help from the old Harrison; the assassin Harrison", cringes Jennifer, expecting him to shut her down completely. Harrison sighs, almost angrily, as he replies, "what's the problem?". Jennifer sits Harrison down on the white leather sofa, adjacent to Bailey and Alec, holding hands together. "My mother is an insane murderer who has kidnapped a child, wants to kidnap my son, my niece and she has impregnated herself with my dead brother's baby", reveals Jennifer, as Harrison sits in shock, "I thought your mom was dead". "That's another story", sighs Jennifer, as Harrison squeezes her hands tight.

It's a damp and cold Monday night, as as Jennifer escapes a wrecked car crash, which she accidentally caused. It's the night it all happened. The night Oliver died. The night Holden changed. The night Audrey's sanity died. That night. A completely panicked and fear-struck Jennifer scatters, sweating, her hair rain soaked, into the local bowling alley, which is pretty much deserted. She sits down at an empty alley and begins to sob and pant heavily. As she is doing so, a man, with stubble across his face and a pearly white smile comforts her. It's Harrison. He puts his arm around her, pulling her and her devastation closer to his chest. "I.... I caused a crash. I can't believe this... I killed someone", pants Jennifer, as Harrison kisses her on the head and comforts, "Shh, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay". Harrison was Jennifer's boyfriend before everything happened. He was her first love. "I'll always help you, Jennie. Always and forever", he promises.

Jennifer, Connolly, a broken but fading Victoria, an oblivious Kennedy, Bailey, Harrison and Alec all decked out in black, arrive in Jefferson Cemetery, where Julianna's funeral is about to take place. Victoria and Jennifer hold each other's hands, giving each other strength as they prepare to say goodbye to the friend who made their trio a duo. "I can't believe one of us is gone. It hurts", cries Victoria, as Jennifer is set off also. "So, she's really Connor's mother?", asks Jennifer, gesturing towards Georgette, who is holding Connolly. "Uh uh", mutters Victoria. Then, the priest calls Jennifer, the eulogy giver, up in front of Julianna's golden casket to say goodbye. Jennifer pulls out a sheet from her back pocket and clears her throat, "Julianna was one of a kind. Sweet, beautiful and insanely loyal. She was what made me me. She allowed me to Love when I didn't even know I could. She made our little clique a safe space. And I'll be forever grateful for that. She was one of my best friends in this entire life and I will spend the rest of mine missing her laugh and her big beautiful smile. See you soon, Jules. Sleep well", eulogizes Jennifer, as she places a white rose on the coffin, as it lowers into the ground, Julianna gone forever. As the ceremony concludes, Jennifer walks up to Georgette and expresses her condolences, as she smiles, "Don't he Sorry, darling. You gave me my first little grandchild. He's So precious", as she hands Connolly back to Jennifer. The two hug, having lost a daughter and a best friend.

As the ceremony ends, a car pulls up to it and Audrey stares out the vehicle's window and reveals to a young girl, "She Had that coming". The little asks, "Why?". As Audrey responds, "Oh my sweet Maddie, because it's all part of my grand scheme", as Bailey catches a glimpse of Audrey, who speeds away in the car with the kidnapped Maddie, as Bailey chases it, distraught. 

Jennifer walks with Connolly in her arms, along a calm lake just next to her father's grave. Jennifer sits next to her dad's enteral resting place and smiles, "This is your grandson, Connolly. He's mine, daddy. He's mine", her smile fading to a saddened frown. Suddenly, Harrison appears and whispers into Jennifer's ear, "I don't think you need my help taking her down. Follow me". Jennifer does so as Harrison guides her to Holden's crypt. "An annoymous person who goes by The Nurse texted me this address and I came down and found this", he Hands Jennifer an envelope. Harrison holds Connolly. "Where did you get this?". "From his grave". Jennifer slowly opens the envelope and sees a letter, which reads 'Holden's Dying Wish', and a bottle of age old poison, signed by none other than Holden Richards from beyond the grave.

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