The Replacement

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Jennifer walks away from Mike's house, holding her baby boy ever so tightly. As the thunder claps in the skies above, Alec follows behind Jennifer, exclaiming, "It's not safe out here!". Jennifer turns around, sassy, and says, "It's not safe anywhere anymore". As the duo walk on the damp sidewalk, they stop in their tracks when they find blue face paint spilled across the concrete. Jennifer stares at it, as Alec ponders, "It's just face paint". She sighs. "It's a warning. She's near". Suddenly, Victoria appears, panicked, "Your mother is chasing me!". The trio then lay their eyes on a vicious looking Audrey, holding a knife.

"He's so beautiful, Ms. Richards", smiles a gleeful midwife, handing Jennifer's new born son over to her. "Does he have a name?", she smiles. Jennifer chuckles contently, "His name is Connolly Hudson Richards". "Gorgeous name", says the midwife, as she leaves the mother and son duo alone, in a modern and spacious hospital room. Jennifer lays her eyes on her baby boy, seeing Connor spread across his chubby cheeks. "I never knew I could love someone as much as I do you", cries Jennifer, happily, as Connolly squeals, as babies do. Suddenly, Jennifer's hospital door creaks open. She twitches, nervous it may be Audrey. It's not. A wheelchair bound Aria wheels herself, slowly, into Jennifer and Connolly's room. "How did you get into the maternity ward?", asks Jennifer, placing her son into his bed. Aria moves towards Jennifer, as her eyes look like those of the saddest person alive. Aria looks broken. Jennifer sighs, "What did she do?". Aria, tears in her eyes, blurts out, "She froze your brother's sperm - I don't know why. After I was attacked by that nurse person, she got me back to health. I thought she was being nice. But, she was prepping my body". "For what?". Aria cries, "Pregnancy. She impregnated me with my dead husband's sperm". Jennifer sits down, stumbling, "You... and Holden have a kid?". Aria nods. Disgusted, Jennifer asks, "What's the kid's name?". Aria hesitates. "Audrey somehow took custody of my son and she.... she named him Holden James II". She continues, "Shes going to raise him to be a killer just like she did Holden. She want's your baby too. She told me. If she knew I was here, I'd be dead", sighs Aria. This terrifies Jennifer. "She can't take Connolly from me. I won't let her", spouts Jennifer, glancing towards her baby. "I said the same thing but last night, she drugged me and took him. Gone. Just like that", recalls Aria, frowning. Aria snaps out of her funk and grunts, "We have to stop her". "Couldn't agree more", nods Jennifer.

Jennifer, Victoria and Alec race back to Mike's home, hiding from the weapon wielding Audrey. Alec bolts the door shut from the inside as Jennifer calls out, "Mike, I'm back". No response. "He's Not here", observes a confused Jennifer, as she notices a small crack in a window, giving way to the living room. Victoria holds Connolly. Jennifer inspects the glass and as she is doing so, Audrey's bloodied hand smashes through, grabbing Jennifer by the throat. "You will not take my babies!", screams a deluded Audrey, as Jennifer begins to choke. Alec attempts to get Audrey off of Jennifer but fails as Audrey stabs his hand. Audrey maneuvers her knife to Jennifer's throat and as she is about to slash it, Mike appears and hits Audrey over the head with a baseball bat. "Take that, mom", bitches Mike, as he smiles at Jennifer. Mike drags Audrey into the house and ties her up to a wooden chair in the center of the kitchen, with bolts and chains. "This should hold her", admires Mike, as Jennifer thanks her brother.

The next day, Victoria enters the newly built Delta Meta Zi Sorority House, and walks into the new airy kitchen. She sits at the island counter, pondering the state of the sorority. Kennedy walks in and kisses her fiancé on the cheek. "Whatcha thinkin' of?", asks a giddy Kennedy. "Julianna", responds Victoria, dampening Kennedy's good mood. "I'm sure her family have their reasons", assures Kennedy, as Victoria denies, "No! She's been laying in the morgue for five months. She deserves a proper goodbye not some inhumane rotting on a slab. I'm going to talk to her mom in Rallie". "Are you sure that's a good idea?", asks a concerned Kennedy, as Victoria nods, "It has to be".

Audrey awakens, her head pounding, as Mike and Jennifer stand over her, holding a knife and baseball bat, respectively. Their faces are smeared with anger. "What? It's not like you'll do anything about my plans", spits a cocky Audrey. "We want to knew exactly what they are", demands Jennifer, hitting the bat against the tiled kitchen floor. "Is my dear Delilah going to come out if I don't cooperate?", teases Audrey. "You haven't seen me in five months. I've got my mental issues under control now", reveals Jennifer, as Mike shouts, "START TALKING!".'Audrey bursts out laughing as she giggles maliciously, "Am I supposed to be intimidated by a tranny?". Shocked silence fills the room, as tears fill Mike's eyes and he flees the room. Jennifer hits Audrey in her right toe and demands, "Tell me, bitch". Audrey screams in agony as she slyly says, "My grandson will fit nicely in my new family". Jennifer feels sick as she hits her mother, once more. "That's no way to treat a pregnant lady", tuts Audrey, as Jennifer flees the room in a state of confusion, following Mike.

Victoria walks down the perfectly manicured lawn of a suburban and gated community in Rallie, two miles from New Quay's campus. Victoria, dressed in a light blue jumpsuit and her hair in two pig tails, knocks delicately in the wooden front door. A saddened, hurt woman with a defeated face answers as Victoria smiles, "Mrs. Burton?". The woman nods. "Yes. But, please, call me Georgette. I prefer that", she mumbles, as she ushers Victoria into her humble abode. Victoria sits in the living room adjacent to the front door. "Wou...would you like some water?", asks Georgette, her dressing gown smelling of an unwashed body beneath. Victoria winces at the filth of Georgette's home, but brushes away her disgust as she says, "I was Julianna's best friend. She was everything to me". Georgette's eyes light up only just for a moment, as she sits directly opposite Victoria on a crowded and cluttered sofa. "She was perfect, wasn't she?". Victoria nods in assurance but asks, "I was wondering why she hasn't had a funeral yet. She deserves one". Georgette pauses for a moment, breathing softly, "Because, honestly, Julianna's father passed two weeks ago and I don't have the finances to pay for the funerals. My baby is rotting because I can't pay for a goodbye", cries Georgette, hyperventilating. This breaks Victoria's Heart, as she comforts the mourning mother. As Victoria is hugging Georgette, she lays her eyes upon a stunning family image, placed on a side table next to Georgette's seat. It's a Christmas portrait of the family - Georgette, her husband, Julianna and Julianna's brother, who looks all too familiar to Victoria. It's Connor. Hoping to ease Georgette and get information, Victoria mentions her son. This makes her worse. She spouts, "He... he was murdered a couple of months ago. I'm the last one". Julianna was Connor's sister. Victoria shudders, as she reveals, "I knew him. And... he has a son. You have a grandson". Georgette stops, glaring with hope into Victoria's Eyes. "My best friend Jen just had his son last week. Do you want to come back to New Quay and meet him?". Georgette throws her arms around Victoria and squeals a delighted "Yes!".

Mike sits on a bed in a room next to the kitchen, absolutely in shambles. Jennifer slowly walks in as she whispers, "What did she mean?". Mike, eyes puffy, turns around and smiles sadly at Jennifer, and removes his jet black hair - a wig - from his scalp, revealing his had to be truly long, brunette and flowy. "Bailey", Jennifer gasps. Mike is Bailey. Bailey is Mike. Jennifer sits next to her hurt sibling. "I transitioned when I was thirteen from Mike to Bailey", she reveals. "It's okay. It's okay", smiles Jennifer, as she cuddles her sister. Suddenly the embracing siblings hear a loud clash coming from the kitchen. They race in and find the rook ghosted. Empty. Audrey escaped. "Shit! What if she does get to Connolly?", panics Jennifer, worried. "He won't", assures Bailey.

Audrey, holding her bruised wrists, walks down a dimly lit street, her pregnant belly surprisingly visible. She walks onto an unused porch and walks slowly into the house's basement, as she is greeted to the sounds of a baby crying. The basement, a nursery, holds three cribs and one child's bed. Holden James cries in his crib, as Audrey cradles him, "You'll be my leader, Holden", she promises, as she places a plaque with a name next to each bed. Bed one: Holden James II. Bed two: Audrey's unborn child. Bed three: Maddie, Bailey's daughter. Bed four: Connolly.

Killer on Sorority Row 3: Bittersweet Where stories live. Discover now