{13} : The Revelation

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For the seventh time that night, she cursed her bloodline. The new black frames that sat tightly on her nose, a reminder of who she truly was, a pure Potter, at least Elijah was from a lesser known part of the family. She hated to admit it but she had missed her previous family, even if it was slightly.

But yet one thing has haunted her mind since the day she arrived at Durmstrang, it had trumped the thoughts of her previous life and almost taken over her entire mind.

Why was Victoria Potter so important?

She had had an alterier motive than just coming to Hogwarts for the tournament, she would use its librarys vast knowledge on the past and find out truly who was Victoria  Potter and Tom Riddle. To put her mind at ease and give Elijah some background on his family.

She waited, like a snake in the reeds, for her roommates to reach a deep slumber, as soon as the clock hit two the last light flickered out of existence. Silently the red headed girl snuck off the boat and wondered into the castle in her animal form, which had taken a year to complete.

Slowly she slithered down the halls, her long tounge flicking out every few seconds and mesmorzing eyes gleaming dangerously in the soft glow of the oil lamps.

The paintings eyes followed her but none dared to call her out, in fear of their past. Instead they guided her safely to the liabery avoiding the none magical care taker, in fear of her being caught, she was known to blow her temper often.

As they reached the safety of the liabery the large black boomslang transformed into a tall red haired girl with green eyes. And the paintings ran away in terror, leaving a confused girl behind. Victoria shook off her confusion and began scouring the shelves for her answers.

An hour passed, then another.

Finally when all seemed hopeless she opened the last book in the pile, a book of previous prefects. Tiredly her eyes scanned the words and the pictures until she stopped at a headline that seemed to be pasted into the book,


Her eyes widened at the revelation, but yet that was not the most shocking piece of news. Under the headline was a picture, one of who she assumed to be scowling Tom Riddle and a scared looking Potter.

The women had looked familiar and Victoria stood and stared for at least another ten minutes at the picture. It was blurry, but there was just something else about it.

With trembling hands she tore the piece of paper out neatly and shoved it in her pants pocket. With the speed of three people she quickly packed all the discarded books on the floor away, back into their respective shelves, in waiting for their next loaner.

At four o'clock that night a  black snake slithered out of the liabery, barely leaving a speck of dust disterbed. As fast as lightning she slithered down the long twisted corridors, occasionally getting lost but eventually finding her way back to the Durmstrung ship.

Victoria lay on her bed, her fur jacket hung sloppily over her shoulders as she stared at the picture, as if intimidating it to give her the answers she is searching for. And by some miracle, it came to her, the women, Victoria Potter in the photo, looked exactly like her. The long curls and big doe like eyes and the almost prefect skin, except for a small line of freckles over her cheeks. She knew then that she truely was related to her, and by default, Tom Riddle, The Dark Lord. They married after all.

If any one found out, the Potter name would be in disgraced.

A/N:  Hey Loves!
let me know what you think of the story so far, I would love to hear your input!

This story has been heavily edited on 05 April 

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