[4]: Cobbled Stone

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Even though I've seen it a thousand times, it never cases to amaze me without sparring a glance behind me I skipped down the cobbled street, the wonderful scent of warm chocolate from honeydukes accompanied by the strong smell of mint filled my nostrils. My home away from home.

Without a second thought I ran into Madam Malkin's robes for all occasions and rang the bell.
"Hello, anyone here?"

I asked looking around to see if I can find someone to help me.

"Hogwarts sweetie?" A old voice croaked behind me.

"No, Durmstrang actully." I corrected bouncing up and down in excitement turning around to see an elderly women standing there a smile on her tired face.

"Oh, that's unusual, we don't get many students from there."

"I know, I'm the first of generations in my family to go there."

A smile graced her elderly features, she seemed like a nice old lady. She reminded me of someone, but I just couldn't remember, no matter how hard I try.


She looked at me, still with a small smile. I gathered that she wanted to know my name.

My mind sparked to life trying to think of ways to tell her I'm a Potter without getting the whiplash of questions about my brothers.


So I did the only realistic thing I could come up with, I just didn't mention my last name. My mother thought it is terrible I do that, dishonoring my family name.

❝I'm...I'm Victoria.❞

A small smile appeared on my face, I still get nervous doing this, my mother drilled it into our heads that we must be proud to be Potters. She would be furious with me. If I'm being honest, I think she wants us to get the best treatment. Which is not fair to others, we'd be just as bad as the Malfoys.

"Well Miss Victoria were going to get you fitted for your robes, I'll even custimize it for you, for three extra gallens."

"Of course thank you ma'am."

She nodded her head smiling, before walking off, I stood in my place, nervous on if I should follow or stay put.

"If you could follow me Miss Victoria?"  Her kind voice echoed through the building.

"Oh sorry, yes, of course."

I nodded in embarrassment, walking at a steady pace behind her until we reached the dressing rooms....I think that's what they call it. I never go shopping, ever.

"I'll be right back."

She promised before walking away.

I looked around awkwardly not knowing what to do until I spotted a blonde boy at the very end.

He was interesting to say the lest his grey eyes shone with a sense of self impotence and arrogance. He must have been from a pure blood family. Malfoy by the looks of his features.

I was just opening my mouth to say something to him, when the lady rushed back into the room holding a brown, black and white uniform.

"Try it on sweetie."

She stated putting up the covering sheet with magic.

I quickly slipped into the snug fitting uniform before looking into the mirror.

My eyes widened in slight shock, it looked much better than the plain hogwarts uniform.

It had the most fluffy black fur on the back lining which connected to a hood that would cover my entire face.

There was a deep red knee lengh cape along with knee high brown furry boots.

The pants fit me like a dream that were so warm! it almost looked like stockings.

And then a brown skirt with white lining and it hung till until my middle thigh.

All in all it was perfect!

I quickly slipped out of my uniform and ran to pay for three of the same uniforms, getting my name sown into the collars of my jackets. And also, a set of black gloves.

With the light blue bags hanging off my arm, I stepped out of the store, only to be welcomed by the rich sights and sents of Diagon Ally.

I decided to go to Olivanders next, I was really exited for my wand. I wanted to get my wand where my family all got theres, just to still have a piece of tradition going.

I opened the old wooden door making the bell ring signaling my arrival.

"Ahhh Miss Potter finally here for her wand!?" Grinned an old man probably in his late hundreds, I grinned back at him, slightly surprised he knew who I was.

"Yes sir."

"Marvellous now try this one, it's cherry wood bendable, good for charms, mermaid scale core and 8 inches, give it a wave."

This won't work, I just had a feeling.

I grumbled inside my head before doing as he instructed only to have his hair set on fire, thank Merlin it was only the  ends of his shoulder length hair.

I couldn't help but giggle lightly, I'm going to have fun with this.

" Strange something is supposed to happen." he narrowed his eyes at the wand, I looked at him, a strange expression on my face I'm sure, how did he not notice?

" Sir, your hair...It's on fire."

" What? oh thank you my dear."

He laughed patting the ends making the flames die out.

"Try this one. Phoenix feather core, the wood is made from Galactozx, an old magical tree, said to be the bane of the dark ones or vampires if you want to use modern terms, combined with Acro-queria a tree that grows specifically in the west ocean. "

He handed the wand to me and i could immediately feel as if my magical core was connecting with this wand without a second though I waved the wand and a burst of green and blue energy swirled together momentarily taking the shape of two snakes before vanishing.

"Intresting." He stated running his chin in thought.

"What do you mean Mr.Olivander?"

"Your wand, it holds great power. Or rather you do."

The elderly man smiled sadly, his tone holding that of sadness, staring at the wand and me with slight fear.

A/N: Thank you for reading my story, please like and comment, critism is welcome!

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