[2]: Acceptence Letter

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" Victoria, where were you, I haven't seen you in two days? " Mum asked over her shoulder. She did not even turn around to acknowledge her eldest daughter who had walked through the doorway.

"Mum I've been gone for three days. . ." I clarified annoyed. " I was at the Weasleys, Charlie wanted to take me to Romania and then -"

" Victoria, honey, that sounds really nice but could you maybe go get the mail, I haven't had time and your siblings are still asleep." My mum, Lilly Potter interrupted her green eyes closed in a moment of thought. "Wait, rather go wake your siblings, then the mail." Mum sighed before going back to making a breakfast of bacon, pancakes and eggs.

"Rosie! Charles! Harry! breakfast!" I yelled standing next to the banister counting to ten under my breath knowing what was about to happen. They were hooligans. Soon enough Charles and Rosie came barreling down the stairs, racing each other to the table, shoving me into the wall as they did. I cannot wait till I go to Hogwarts. I sighed as Harry came past me, his nose stuck in a book. I felt sorry for my eldest brother, he had too much pressure for a thirteen year old, having to be years ahead of his actual year to protect Charles.

Harry looks like dad, but his features were more feminine than both dad and Charles. Charles was a exact replica of dad, down to the crooked frame laying on his nose. Rosie, well she looked like a mixture of mum and dad, the only  child to have auburn hair and hazel eyes. I on the other hand, looked like my mother with my fire red hair and bright green eyes, the only difference is I inherited my fathers messy like state of hair.

"Mum! Charles and Rosie shoved me!" I yelled angrily as I trampled down the stairs, manovering around Harry who did not even glance up from his book.

" Victoria, I'm sure it was just an accident, your siblings are well behaved and would never do that on purpose, right?" Mom sighed putting down four plates filled with delicious heaven also known as bacon topped with eggs and pancakes as Rosie and Charles lied, nodding their heads to what she said.

Rosie and Charles sat down in their respective seats munching away not taking their eyes off of their food their eating pace could rival that of a Weasley, especially the fat pig, Charles. Harry ate slower, savoring his food.

"Ummmm mom? you forgot I can't eat the eggs or pancakes. . ."  I looked up at my mom, annoyence clear in my face. She made the pancakes and eggs with milk and I'm allergic to dairy.

"Sorry Tori but. . ."

" It's Victoria." I corrected for the one hundredth time since birth, I hate nicknames.

"I'm sorry Victoria, I forgot, it's not easy remembering all four dietary requirements for all of you. We're already late, make yourself some oats with the almond milk." Lilly smiled kissing her eldest daughters forehead, which was covered by a fringe.

I grumbled, annoyed as I grabbed the half empty bowl of oats as I realised my one way ticket out of this joint was in my pocket from when I got the mail earlier. I sprang up almost knocking my bowl of oats on the floor.

"Mummy. . . Can i pretty pretty pretty pretty please go to Durmstrang ?"

" Tori. . ."

"Its Victoria mum."

"Victoria, I don't know... You'll need to be accepted first, besides Hogwarts has had a place for you since before you were born." Lilly said smiling, thinking back to when she was at the school.

"Mum, I've already been accepted, the letter came in the mail!" I squealed happily before handing the letter of acceptance to my mom.

Mum looked at the letter then at me before reading it out loud for the rest of the family to hear.

A/N : Thank you for reading my story! Please vote and comment, critism is welcome :)

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