chapter 29- cleared

Começar do início

I walked in and plopped on the bed removing my ear piece I got on before.


So,he said looking anywhere but me.

I sighed,Justin, I got up,turned him and raised his head up to meet my eyes..come sit.

He sat down and was looking at me while I did same.

So uh,what happened yesterday?....

Silence,he didn't say any thing

You seemed a little mad and upset yesterday ,what was the matter? I asked again.

I began getting impatient,am not a very patient person,he knows, I groaned.

Justinnnn,spit it out already,this silence is deafening.


Sorry for what exactly?,that you aggressively bit my lip making blood come out or that you pressed and twisted my nipples that was already sore from the party,I asked looking at him.

He looked at me shyly..i laughed,its cute when he's shy.

Am so sorry sisi,I didn't remember you were sore,I really dunno what happened, he breathes.
Honestly you're my best friend I won't lie to you,yesterday I dunno what happened to me or why I was upset,I just think I was lusting after you,he looked away.

Lusting after me why,am preety sure in all my 18years existence,you've been in 13years of them, you have seen me with my panties and bra and you've definitely seen my nipples on a shirt before, referring to how he was looking at them yesterday,so I really don't understand j.

I really don't understand either ,but am sorry, it won't happen again,am really sorry,my hormones were just kicking in and the opportunity to kiss you was at my face,I just took it he said looking away and shrugging.

Uh okay,I just want us to go back to how we were before the kiss,I don't want us to be awkward okay?

Yeah me too,I totally agree with you sisi.

Good now stop being so uptight and give mama a hug I said opening my arms wide and smiling.

He came close and hugged me.

Your nipples are poking my chest.

I hit his arm,oh shutup!,that's because its still sore...I laughed.

He looked at me and then smiled..

No biggies, its all good.

Finally we as back with no awkward air around,we talked about different things,we both agreed to not tell our spouse and just forget about it..soon it was 11,I hadn't realised time had gone so fast.

Justin am staying over,I can't go to my dorm this night.

He looked up from his phone,yeah sure.

Now scooch over am tired and want to sleep.
Nonono,I want the end that's at the wall, I jumped at the side and folded there,I knew how much he likes sleeping there but too bad he wasn't getting it this night.

Ughhhh,I hate you,really much.

Aw I love you too b.

I turned my back to him and he scooched closer to me and held my waist as we just talked and talked about nothing in particular.

Now shutup and let me sleep, am really tired.

Okay ma'am.
Just like that I let sleep take over my senses.

Soooooo how was it,hope you liked it,read on folks,more ahead!!!!!!
And i know this chapter is really shot too but don't worry its all good,don't forget to like and comment please.

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