Chapter 19 - Time

Start from the beginning

I thanked the man and then Rob and I left.

I was worried. As we walked out the door I wondered if I could ever complete this mission. It felt stupid to call it that. I'm not Ethan whatever-the-hell-his-name-is. Tyde didn't tell me, "Your mission, should you choose to accept it.." No. That is not how it is supposed to be, and that is not how it will be.

Whatever move I made was deadly. It was like walking on a lake that was half frozen. The ice was there, but wasn't very thick; one wrong move and I could be gone forever.

I was another minute older. That was another minute closer to my deadline, if you will. I just wanted to stop and wait for it all to end. The fight in me was too strong though. The heart wants what the heart wants.

Just then I heard a woman shouting. At first I thought she was crazy, but then I saw the man. They were getting pretty heated in the middle of town.

"What the fuck do you mean?! I saw you looking at him!" The man yelled.

I nonchalantly listened to the fight.

"I was not! And even if I was, what about all of the damn girls you are surrounded by at work?!" She didn't give the man time to answer. "What are we going to do about that?"

"Let's get one thing straight, that is an inappropriate place to do anything like that, and I do not love anyone but you. But you are..."

The noise faded out as a 16-wheeler passed by. I watched it pass.

"Whoa! Do you see that?!" Rob shook me from my thoughts.

I looked wherever he was looking. "Where? What?"

"Right there! Tyde. By the billboard." He said.

I looked but didn't see my brother anywhere. What the hell is wrong with Rob? "What the heck?! I don't see him!"

Rob pointed, once again, in the direction he was looking. I followed the line of sight and saw Tyde... Watching us. I walked forward, quickly to go over to him. The tractor-trailer got in my way, almost crushing me.

Rob's arms caught me. I looked back. As the truck turned the corner, Tyde was no longer there.

"Where'd he go?" I asked Robbie.

The street was deserted. It was just Robbie and I. It didn't even look like the shops were open anymore.

"What is going on here?" Rob pulled my arm.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out.'' He said as he stepped into the empty street. Rob made his way across it and to where Tyde had just been standing moments ago. I contemplated on following him, only to decide against it when I saw that he was already over there.

I kept my sight on my friend, if anything happened I had his back. I also searched for Tyde, but I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, something terrible. I took a few steps closer to the other side of the street, and lost sight of Rob as he went into the alleyway. I had watched him weigh his options, and contemplate on going back there, and now he had actually done it.

There was still that bad feeling, though. I couldn't seem to shake it. For some reason, I though Robbie was going to get hurt. I didn't want another person getting hurt because of me.

Gosh, I am sorry for getting all of these people hurt.

I was. It was a guilt that would forever hang over my head. It weighed me down. I sank into darkness, it seemed, since we had moved here. Maybe we should have stayed in Australia. Maybe if we hadn't moved, none of this would have ever happened. The more appeared to be the cause of everything; now we were in the effect. I remember having to make these little cause and effect charts in kindergarten. But as a kid I could never come up with something this elaborate.

I shuffled my feet to the alleyway. "Robbie?" I said.


I listened for any reply, for anything, but all I heard was the wind rattling the trees. There was a storm coming. I didn't know how much time we had until we'd be standing in the pouring rain with lightning striking around us. "Robbie, you down there? Hurry up." I told him.

"He's not here. Where did he go?" Rob called from the dark, dead end.

"Stop chasing after a lunatic. Let's go, dude."

Rob agreed. It was getting late, we could focus on this at home.

Home. That made me think. I didn't want to go home. Furthermore, that was no longer a home. It was just filled with horrible, taunting memories. Tyde wrecked the feeling of it ever being a home. It was just empty space now. Useless.

"Hey, can I stay over tonight? I kind of have no where else to go, and I don't want to be alone."

"Yeah. Sure, Troye." Robbie answered. His sympathetic eyes looked me over. "We'll find them, Troye. I promise." His hand placed on my upper back.

I only nodded. The feeling of being sure of something, and calm were ephimeral in my life. They barely existed.

We walked home in a never ending silence. I didn't feel like talking. I knew Robbie was just trying to think of something to say but he probably expected I would blow it off. Which was highly the case.

When we got to his house I fell asleep in silence, hoping that when I woke, I would realize that it was all just a horrible dream. And if my near future involved any happiness, I will cry. Because, the tears already threatened to flow at the thought of Tyler and my parents being alive.

It was all just too much to handle.


Guys!!!! I am extrememly sorry for making you wait a month! But school is getting a bit busier since we're reviewing for finals and all of that end-of-the-year jazz. Slow updates until towards the end of June, then hopefully we'll be back on track.

I want to thank all of you for sticking around in all of this boring waiting and what not. Thank you tons. I love you all!!!! You make me want to keep writing even when I'm not motivated to!!!<333

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