Chapter 2 - Sinkin' In

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Please just let this all be a dream. I'm in the car on my way home.

I opened my big blue eyes. Sure, I was in the car, on my way to my new home. Not the one I actually called home. That place was, like, a bajillion miles away. We could have at least moved somewhere warmer like California. I could already feel a cool breeze and it was only late summer in Minnesota.

Then, the car stopped. For the first time ever I looked at our new house. It had blue shutters and huge windows. All in all it looked okay. I stepped out of our Ford Escape and took a look around. I missed Australia so much.

Then the moving truck pulled up behind us.

"What do you guy's think of the new house?" Mum asked as she put here arms around my brother and I.

"We hoped it would be big enough for each of you. You know, to keep you from fighting all the time," she gave us pointed looks. "There are three bedrooms, one guestroom, two bathrooms, and a beautiful foyer."

"Cool." Tyde said. I didn't particularly care. As long as I got my own room, I was good. I grabbed my box of gadgets and walked into the house. I looked around.

"Take a look upstairs. Claim a room guys." My father suggested.

"Not the master bedroom!" My mom called after, jabbing my father in the side.

Tyde and I shared a look... and raced up the stairs.

He ran into the room closest to the stairs. "Dibs!"

I took a look in it. There was one window opposite the doorway. "Fine by me." I shrugged.

I walked down the hallway peering into the other two rooms. There was the master bedroom halfway down the hall which left the one at the end of the hallway for me. It looked a bit creepy but I walked in anyways. The doorframe was frayed around the edges but the room was huge! I could only think how lucky the last person to sleep in here was. Or creepy. But I didn't want to look into it that much.

Tyde entered my new room. "Whoa, dude! Can we switch?" He asked.

I chuckled. 

"Oh. Little brother. No, we cannot." I smiled.

"Why!" He complained.

"Because, you've already called dibs on your room. No going back."

Oh, Tyde. When will he learn?

"But Troye! C'mon!" He proceeded to complain.

"No but's Ty. You made your decision. It's not my fault you chose prematurely." I spoke.

"Fine." He grumbled.

I went outside to retrieve the rest of my things. The moving truck people were already being directed as to where they should put the furniture. I made five trips to my room before I lugged my keyboard, light setup and other miscellaneous items up the stairs.

I didn't bother organizing until the movers brought up my mattress and dresser up. I spread the sheets over the mattress and then layed my blanket on it. Then I started putting everything in their new places.

When I was on the last few items - my music and recording stuff - where I wanted it, I was pretty much done. I stepped back to admire my work. The bed didn't look good in the corner of the room so I centered it against far wall underneath the window. As this was happening I bumped into my bedside table and my foot caught behind the leg and I fell backward into the wall.

I actually fell through it. It was some passageway to somewhere. I found a lightswitch after three minutes of sliding my hand up a cobweb infested wall. I flicked the switch and grabbed my phone just in case. I went up the stairs and braced myself for whatever was about to scare the shit out of me. At the top of the stairs, the room appeared to just be an attic. 


I went back down and found my dad looking at the hole, mouth agape. 

"Oh, uh. Dad, this isn't what it looks like." I explained.

"Troye! What did you do? We've only been here an hour and a half."

"I was only trying to move my bed! I tripped and fell into the wall." I explained. We both stared at each other. I mean, I found this a little humorus, but if my dad knew that he'd be furious.

"Ok, I believe you. You're clumsy. What can I say? You get it from your mother. We'll get it fixed." He said.

"Thank you. What are we going to do for now though? Is there just going to be a gaping hole in my bedroom?" Why was it even covered up in the first place.

To answer that, my dad went into the linen closet in the hall and put two sheets up to cover it. Better than nothing. I thanked him and he helped me move my bed.

"Looks good, Troye. You like it?" Dad asked.

"It's alright." I said. Before my father left I had to know. "Dad, what are we having for dinner?"


Two hours later we were all sitting at the island in the kitchen. My mum didn't want a fancy dinner the first night. She wanted to just relax and wind down for our first meal she had said. 

"Mum, where did you get this chinese food?" Tyde asked.

"China King."

"It fucking rules." I mumbled with a mouth full of pork fried rice.

"So, boys, tell me. I've been dying to know. How do you like the house?" Mum asked.

"It's great. Better than I imagined." My younger brother replied.

"It's nice, mum. I like it." I told her. It was the truth. It wasn't the house that I had been angry about. It was the fact that I had to go to an entirely new school tomorrow where I had no friends, I wouldn't be able to blend in at all because of my accent, and I had no life. I wasted my nights on Tumblr. Which is exactly what I planned on doing after dinner.

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