Chapter 15 - Calm The Storm

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"What the fuck?!" I yelled.

Tyler looked at me, obviously confused about who O was. "Who- how did this happen."

I unbelievably stared at my calendar. Red marks were scribbled over all the boxes, and the picture of Beyoncé was wrecked. Where the eyes should be, there were exes. Who would do something like this?

"T-Troye," Tyler stuttered. "What's happening?"

I could tell he was shaken up about the whole thing, so was I.

"Tyler," I said as I wrapped him up in my embrace. All I could think of was this dream I'd had. I shivered because of it.

"Is there anything you need to talk about?" He questioned me.

"Well, I had this dream last night. I just- I usually don't remember my dreams but I guess this one was more of a nightmare."

Tyler's eyes told me I could elaborate.

"Well, I was walking these backroads and a knife appeared in my hand. I didn't really think anything of it," I said, my voice shaky. I began to stutter. "T-then I just kept walking and you appeared. I didn't really think much of that either. I was just thinking that my friend was here with me. I knew what I was going to do but I- but I couldn't stop myself,

"I..." I cried. Tyler's eyes were wide. He probably knew where this was going. "I stabbed you... And I walked away. I didn't look back, just kept going. I'm sorry."

Tyler took a step back, as I expected he would have. What if he though I was psycho? I probably scared whatever shit was left in him out of him. Soon, he would walk out that door and never come back, just like I did to him in my dream. I had to keep him, if not here then in my heart.

"Tyler, just know that I would never do that to you. Please, believe me."

He nodded. "I know." And then he left. Taking a piece of my heart with him.


After school, which was surprisingly uneventful, I just went home. I'd called Tyler a billion times, but decided to just give up. If he didn't pick up the third time then he wasn't going to answer the 700 millionth time. Besides, why would he want to talk to a sociopath, anyway?

Another day, another dusk. Nothing to get excited about. And, I mean, I would try to get on with my day and all but I was stressing about too many things to be coherent. I had to get my feelings out some way. I could only write them down, which I guess would help a little.

Things I'm Stressing About

1. School, preferably graduation.


3.The possibility of dying, and

4. Stressing about stressing.

"I don't think this is a war I'm going to win." I said to no one. There were so many things going wrong inside of me. I could crumple right here on this bed and I would honestly not care. It really would not bother me.

Maybe I'm a different breed.

Maybe I'm not listening.

I think that's what makes this all so hard and sad. I am willing to just give up at a moments notice for no apparent reason, with no logical explanation.

How was I supposed to figure out something so unfixable? I'm not even close to figuring out who this O guy is, or why I dreamt that horrid nightmare, or why I was so afraid of graduating. It infuriated me to no end, but I didn't feel like stopping the chaos in my head; I didn't have a particular reason too, there would always be something in my life to tip the balance of my sanity.

Any sanity I had left, however, was slowly fading away into this wreckage I'd made. So why had I dreamt about killing Tyler? I turned on my laptop and googled it. I looked at the top four links and opened each one in a new tab.

"Stabbing someone in a dream. When someone stabs you in a dream it indicates being stabbed in the back..." That is not what I wanted. "When you stab someone in a dream it could mean you have a fear of betrayal towards that person."

I stabbed Tyler Oakley in my dream because I was frightened he would betray me?

I guess I was afraid of losing Tyler, but I don't think he would betray me. I need answers and I need them now.

I dialed Robbies number.

"Hey, Troye. What's up?"

"Rob, hey. You got anything? Anything new?" I hoped he had something he needed to tell me.

"Uh, yeah about that. I think you should lay off that for a while. You looked kind of wrecked at school today. I think you just need a break, is all." Rob told me.

My hopes hit the floor. I had no drive to do anything anymore. But, I could still get some answers out of him.

"Rob, I can't. Someone's targeting me. Also, Tyler. I can't stop until I find out who this person is!" I then explained that there was a signature on the last clue, and all of the other things that had happened after he left yesterday.

"So, what does this mean? Is Tyler another suspect?" Robbie finally asked me.

"What? No, why would I suspect him?" I began to doubt this though. Tyler could have easily trashed my Beyoncé calendar and made that note himself. Plus, I still didn't know everything about him.

"Troye, the dude snuck in through your window and waited until you woke up to tell you that he got a note from O. And your dream indicates fear of betrayal. There is obviously some part of you that is suspecting him, there has to be."

"I know." I knew he was right. I had to admit that Tyler was a mystery to me.

I couldn't help but imagine him creep through my window and plant the evidence in my face. But he was afraid of me, afraid I would hurt him. Part of me wanted to be with him, to forget all of my worries and just believe that we could work. But it couldn't.

Graduation was in three days. I needed to see him before that, to clear things up. Before everything got busy. But the question is, would he let me?


Sorry this was such a boring and short chap. But, I've kind of not been working on chapter 16, and I will give something away here. Chapter 16 is where most of the shit goes down. x)


(btw, you should listen to Graffiti6)


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