Chapter 3 - Beautiful Day

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I woke up at 6 in the morning completely tired. I wasn't naturally a morning person but I was too nervous to sleep any longer. I only got out of bed so I could eat breakfast. I grabbed a box of cocoa puffs and the carton of milk. I ate three bowls before everyone else got up. 

"Morning, honey. What are you up so early for?" Mum asked.

"School. Dreaded, wretched school." I told her. 

"Today will be fine, sweetheart. Wake up Tyde on your way to getting ready please." She said as she began to make her coffee.

Tyde slept like the dead so trying to wake him up was always the hardest thing to do. I opened his door but he wasn't in bed. 

"Tyde?" I called out. 

My dad would have been waking up right now meaning Tyde was in the bathroom! I had no doubt he was using all of my hair wax.

I pounded on the door and shouted at him to hurry up.

In the meantime, I went to my room to get dressed. I picked a grey sweater and black jeans.  Tyde came out of the bathroom 10 minutes later. 

"God, Tyde." I guffawed.

I stepped into the bathroom and started to see what I could do with my hair but it was a lost cause. I grabbed a beanie on my way out the door.

Thief River Falls high school was tiny. The towns population was only 8,661, and it showed no signs of growing. But nonetheless, I was nervous as hell. Small class or not, I did not enjoy meeting new people. I was terrible at it.

When we pulled up my heart was beating like a bongo drum. I breathed deeply and repeated my inspiting mantra.

You've got this, Troye.

I stepped out of the car and walked to a bench nobody was near. Luckily, it was the first semester but I couldn't help the fact that it seemed I was the only new kid. I don't think too many people want to move to where it heavily snows during the winter.

I sat in silence on my phone until the bell rang. I followed the crowd snd tried to find my way to the main office. Onve I found it, I opened the door and went to the secretary's desk.

"Um, hi. It's my first day here and-"

"You must be Troye," I was interrupted. "Hello. I am Mrs. Valtersen. Here is your schedule and map. Do you have any questions?"

I got the feeling she didn't feel like conversing so I said no. "Thank you ma'am." I smiled. 

My first class was English but I had to go to homeroom first.

I took a look at my map and saw that the room was down the hall to my left. 

I hoped I wouldn't get an exuberant amount of homework this week.
Let's just hope the school I went to back in Australia already covered whatever I'd be learning.

I made my way into homeroom and tensed up preparing for the stares from everyone. When I walked in there were only seven people. I counted. Of those seven, only four of them looked up. The other three were in deep conversation. The teacher welcomed me in.

"Hello, you must be Troye. Otherwise I don't know why you'd be late." He looked at me. "Just so you know, Mr. Sivan, never show up late to my homeroom or class." He warned.

"Understood, sir. Thank you." The teacher stuck his hand out and finally introduced himself.

"I'm Mr. Calahan." He smiled.

I stretched my neck to meet his eyes. His salt and pepper hair was flat and his gaze was hard, the smile not even close to reaching his eyes. I could already tell he didn't like me.

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