Meeting a Killer

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(-Ah, a story about my friend Nick. You know he tried to kill me once right?- Yes...You've told me about that multiple times now Ruse. Listen to this for the introduction to Jess the Killer vs Nick. AND COMMENT IF YOU HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE!!! Tell me what you think of it if you have. I though it was awesome!)

Nick wakes up to the blaring of the alarm. He gets up out of the bed and turns off the alarm. "Another hellish day at school..." He gets in his regular attire. Grey hoodie with a white undershirt. Running shorts with some running shoes. He goes and eats breakfast and heads to school. Soon after reaching school grounds, the group of bullies immediately take notice of him. "Hey pussy! Let us see you take out all five of us at once!" The leader of the stupidest people Nick has ever known taunts him for a fight. "Nah, I wouldn't want to embarrass you that much into showing how fast I can knock you down on your ass in front of four people." He smirks and walks away inside the school. This of course pisses of the group and they run after Nick. As they run in, Nick trips over the first guy who runs in, causing a pile of groaning bodies to soon tumble onto the school floor. "Told you I would do it fast. Now leave me alone. Like everyone else does." Nick walks away to his first class.

(Time skip brought to you by Chibi Nick and Chibi Saphir first meeting each other.)

Nick walks home from the hellish prison known as school. "Only a few more months and school gets out then I am free." Nick sighs as he opens his door, walks into his house, and locks the door behind him. He then lays down on the couch and takes a nap. Meanwhile, Someone scouts out Nick's home looking for any weak points. They wait until it is nighttime and they sneak in through one of the windows. They get up and accidentally whack their head against an overhanging shelf. The thump and the cursing soon after wakes up Nick. Nick silently gets up from the couch and slowly walks over to the kitchen. He hides and waits for the intruder to show themselves. They walk into the living room and they don't see Nick. "So it is going to be one of those games..." the intruder says out loud, the voice sounding feminine. Nick smirks as he thinks why a female would trespass into his home. Though the voice sounds like it is a little crazed. He peeks over the counter top and sees a female in a bloody white hoodie. She slowly looks his way and he sees the bloody smile of hers. It is literally cut into a smile. His smirk is immediately wiped away when he sees the smile and she notices. She smiles wider and giggles. "Oh this will be great to enjoy. I do love myself a chase!" She runs after him. He grabs a knife and turns around to defend himself. "I won't give you that satisfaction. But I would like to know the name of my potential killer." He says, gaining his composure back. These two actions catch her off guard. "What is it to you, Fucker?" She hisses through her teeth. He grins widely as he thinks of some things to piss her off. "Just so that I know the person that I will take down easily." She laughs a little maniacally and says, "My name is Jess...and I think it is time for you to. Go. To. Sleep." Jess charges at Nick, swiping at him with her knife. However Nick dodges fast enough to surprise Jess a bit, and he swipes at her side. It cuts some of the fabric but it doesn't hit her since she dodges the attack. "This was my favorite hoodie! Oh you will pay god damnit!" Jess curses at Nick. After a bit of the hit and dodge between Jess and Nick, Nick starts to tire out. But he can keep on going strong. He knows that he won't win if he doesn't do something. He takes the time while dodging and sees a pan.(Reference to SirDerp's Creepypasta story. That is still funny to me.) He grabs it after dodging one more time and whacks it across Jess's head, knocking her out. He sighs as he takes a breather. He has some cuts in his hoodie too. He had a debate in his mind deciding whether he should kill Jess or not. On one side, he has reason to do so. She tried to kill him. He takes her knife and ties her up against a chair and a table. On the other side, she kinda looked cute. If you got past the cut mouth and no eyelashes. He decides to leave her alive for now. He wants to know why he was her target to kill. After a swift kick to the side, she wakes up. "Listen. I know you want to kill me. But why?" Nick asks. She just scowls at him. "Because I thought you were easy prey. That's why. Now let me loose!" Nick shakes his head. "How do I know you won't just kill me again?" Nick questions her. "Let me loose asshole!" After a bit of her complaining, she stops talking what so ever. "What? Have you finally given up on yelling?" Nick asks, relieved. She starts to smile. A friend is on their way here. "Why are you smiling?" Nick asks. Then a static sound starts to happen in his ear. It isn't that noticeable at first. But it gets louder. Soon he is covering his ears in pain. "Fucking hell! What is this-" Something hits him against his back sending him spinning in the air and he hits the floor knocked out. "Finally you get here. This fucker ruined my hoodie! To bad he is knocked out. I would've loved for him to feel the pain." Jess rants on. The creature who knocked out Nick is named Slenda. "Now now Jess, if he managed to take you on in combat without hiding and survived... He may be of use to us. Especially against you know who." Slenda asks. (-Voldemort?- No you idiot. Female Zalgo.) "What?! This is bullshit! He should be killed." Jess immediately protests. Though silences as she thinks about it. And since Slenda has that shadow over her...blank face.(-You were about to say eyes weren't you Author.- To be honest yes.) "Alright...I guess we can take him in on our side. But no one knows about me losing. Just a tie." Jess walks off towards the mansion. Slenda picks up Nick with her tentacles and she teleports to the Mansion...


(Will Nick be screwed and had Slenda made a terrible mistake? We will find out in the next chapter!)

Female Creepypasta x Nickolas ToretalWhere stories live. Discover now