Chapter 26

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A sickening snap echoed through the forest and I screamed. My eyes began to water involuntarily and my pulse quickened. I turned my head and was relieved to discover that my attacker was no longer chasing me.

My arm was red and swollen, no bone was protruding but it was defiantly broken. I felt woozy and tried to get up. My legs were shaky and unsteady, I took two steps and fell back down, landing on my broken arm. I heard another crunch and cried out.

"Please! Help me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, mustering all the strength I had. I shut my eyes, succumbing to the pain that now flooded my entire body.

I heard shouting nearby and my eyes flew open. Although my vision blurred over I recognised Harry's familiar figure rushing towards me in a panic.

"What the fuck happened?" I heard yelling. "Lianna!! Hey, look at me." Harry brought his fingers to my chin, pulling it up to meet his face. My head was spinning and my eyes felt heavy.

"I think she's concussed," Daisy spoke calmly, sitting beside Harry.

"M-my arm." I croaked. Daisy's fingers went to my arm and I flinched, crying out in pain.

"We need to get to a hospital!" Harry yelled, his voice filled with urgency and desperation.

"Where mate?" I heard Fergus reply.

"I don't fucking know!" Harry responded, holding my face between his hands. I shook my head and my vision finally cleared. Harry's green eyes were filled with panic and worry, they searched over my face and body, checking for any other injuries.

"It's fine, n-no I'm fine." My voice wobbled. Despite the pain in my arm, my head began to clear and I became fully aware of the situation I was in.

Pain flooded every sense in my body. My cheeks stung from the tiny scratches caused by the branches, my head throbbed from the concussion and my arm swelled from the broken bone.

With Harry's help, I sat up on the forest floor, with my broken arm pressed lightly against my stomach. Harry brought his hand to my cheek and I leaned into his touch. We stayed this way for a few minutes.

"Can you pass me my water please." I turned to Harry who fumbled in my rucksack for my bottle. He handed it towards me and I gulped the whole thing down in seconds. It made me feel a little better.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Fergus asked from behind.

I took a deep breath. "I went back to get my book, and there was this man with a knife and he grabbed me, so I ran and...." I shut my eyes in pain. "I think my arm is broken." I panted.

"Come on, we have to find a hospital," Harry said, pulling me up with his large hands. If it weren't for Harry holding me up I would have fallen down. I took a few steps but still felt unsteady, I brought a hand to the side of my head.

I fainted momentarily and fell into Harry's arms. I assumed my limited consumption of food, and the shock of the pain was too much for my body to handle. 

"Hey, Lianna," Harry whispered, holding me up.

"Yes.. it's fine. I'm fine." I spoke delusionary, opening my eyes wide then shutting them tight again.

"Get on my back." Harry pulled me around and bent his knees slightly. I snaked an arm around Harry's neck and he hoisted me up. With as much strength as I could muster, I pulled myself up onto Harry's back, tightly wrapping my legs around his torso. One of Harry's hands rested under my thigh and the other pulled at my hand around his neck. My broken arm dangled by my side.

"How does that feel? Are you okay? Am I hurting you." Harry asked.

"It's fine. I'm fine." I replied. "Thank you."

"Wait..." I mumbled, resting my head on Harry's shoulder. "My book.." I heard some commotion as Harry moved below me.

"I put it in your rucksack." He replied.

Harry held my full body weight on his back and despite the pain that shot through my arm and body, I felt a sense of safety. We walked for several minutes.

"I don't usually faint," I whispered into Harry's ear.

"Just hold tight and don't you dare fall," Harry replied, I could tell he was smirking.

"Yes, soldier," I said with a grin.

We walked through the forest for an hour until we reached Namur. Harry carried me on his back the entire way without a single complaint.

Namur was a small French-speaking town with several canals and rivers. The streets were crowded with women, children and injured soldiers. I took it that the Germans were staying in Luxembourg for a while.

We made our way to the red cross hospital, it was large, crowded and full of injured soldiers. The hospital corridors were stuffy and the air smelt of blood, dirt, and sweat. 

Despite the shortage of surgeons, there were several unoccupied rooms, but by the time we actually got to a room, my arm was numb and red. After several minutes of waiting for a doctor, I began to slip in and out of consciousness. Harry called my name and shook me gently but I faded into a pit of darkness.

My eyes fluttered open and I scanned the hospital room. The walls were cream coloured and peeling, in the corner were two chairs frayed with wear and tear. The door handle was rusted over and the bed was small but clean. It was a typical hospital room, sparse and functional. My eyes traveled to the cast which now enveloped my broken arm, It was white and rock solid. I then noticed a nurse in the corner of the room with a clipboard and pen in her hand. Her hair was short and brown, her skin was olive and her eyes were hazel.

"Welcome back hun, I'm nurse Randall." She gave me a toothy grin. She looked to be in her late 40's and had an English accent. "How do you feel darling?" She asked. "Any pain?" She tapped my IV drip.

"No, I feel fine, actually," I reassured her. The only discomfort I felt was the tightness of the cast around my arm but other than that, there was no pain at all. "There were a few people here with me, do you know where they are?" I asked.

The nurse grinned, "Not to worry my dear, they're just outside the hall." She walked towards the door and twisted the rusty doorknob,  Harry cam rushing in.

"Thank you," I replied and she left.

"Hi." I smiled at Harry, holding out my hand for him to grab.

"Lianna Beauchamp," He sighed. "You're a real handful y'know that." Harry grinned walking towards my bed. He took my hand into his and began to stroke it with his thumb.

"What do you think of my cast?" I asked holding up my broken arm.

He ran his hand across the molded material and grinned. "Cute." He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I welcomed the familiar feeling of his lips against mine.

"How do you feel?" Harry asked pulling away.

"Fine." I shrugged. "Where are the others?" I asked.

"They've gone to check Fergus in. Get his wounds sorted."

We sat in silence for a minute.

"Harry!" I called out in shock. "Did you get my book!"

"Christ! Yes, I got it." He replied startled by the urgency in my tone.

"Please can you get it for me." I asked and he reached into my rucksack and handed it to me. I grinned sheepishly and held the book against my chest dramatically. "Can I read to you?" I asked and he nodded.

"Wait one second." Harry disappeared out the door and within a minute, he was back with a thin piece of cloth. He brought the damp material to my face and began to wash away the little flicks of dried blood. 

"Thank you." I spoke with a grateful grin.

"For what?" Harry asked with furrowed brows, still wiping at my face.

"Everything." I replied.

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