Chapter 25

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Harry and I walked downstairs and were met with the glaring eyes of both Daisy and Pete.

"Let's go," Harry spoke, picking up his rucksack and his rifle.

"Are you two serious?" Pete yelled. "You used our supplies on that dirty Frenchman? You can't just do whatever you like!" He stepped towards me, pointing his finger in my face.

Harry placed a hand on Pete's shoulder, pushed him away and through clenched teeth said, "Let's go."

Daisy's stood behind Pete shaking her head, eyes boring into mine. I walked towards Fergus, handing him his crutches. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked. "Can you walk today? How's your shoulder?"

"I'm fine." He grinned. "Dinna worry yourself, Lianna." He patted my shoulder and hobbled towards the exit. Pete and Daisy soon followed, dawdling behind one another with their heads towards their feet.

"One minute," I said holding up my finger towards. I rushed back to Harry's room to retrieve my undergarments. I blushed at the memory, bringing my hand to my mouth to suppress any giggles. I quickly put on my undergarments and ran back to Harry. He was already out of the house and waiting for me in the doorway.

I smiled at him and we walked side by side in silence, pressing our arms into one another. It was probably about seven in the morning. Despite the chill in the air, the sun was surprisingly warm.

Harry reached into his rucksack and pulled out a map of France.

"Alright, to get to Dunkirk we need to walk to Namur and stop there for the night." He spoke, running his slender finger along the path from Arlon to Namur. I took to examine the map myself, it would take us a day or two to walk to Dunkirk, then another day to get back to England. I felt hopeful.

"Dunkirk," Pete turned around. "Why are we going to Dunkirk?" His brows knitted in confusion.

"That 'dirty Frenchman' may have just saved our lives. There's an evacuation at Dunkirk beach. With luck, we should be there in a day or two." I replied, cocking my head and holding up the map.

Fergus cheered, holding up his crutches. "We're going home!"

Harry and I chuckled and Daisy clapped her hands together. There was no road to Namur, so instead, we took a path which had large green trees branching outwards, it somewhat resembled a forest.

"Read to me," Harry asked as we walked. I complied, bringing out my French poetry book.

I grinned and we both flipped through the pages together. "This one." Harry pointed. He rested his arm against mine and occasionally ran his fingers across the lengths of my braid.

'Darkling I listen; and, for many a time

I have been half in love with easeful Death,

Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme.'

"I feel like I'm on a safari," Daisy complained, stomping her feet on the dirt-covered forest floor. I was beginning to grow tired and thirsty. I reached for my water bottle and sipped from it slowly. We walked for an hour until we came upon a small stream. It flowed quietly and peacefully. The scent was refreshing and the water was blue and clear.

"Can we rest." Daisy pleaded.

"No." Pete shook his head.

I wanted nothing more than to immerse my body in the cool water and rid myself of all the dirt and blood that still lay on my skin. "Maybe we can just quickly wash?" I suggested, cocking a brow.

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