Chapter 2

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Flash forward-

"Lianna Beauchamp, a registered combat nurse." I whispered to myself, proud of my achievements. The year was 1940, and I now held the full qualifications to pursue my career as a combat nurse, working on the front lines, aiding to the sick and wounded. 

I felt a sense of guilt for the excitement that overcame me, we were in a state of war, men were dying, women and children were starving. It felt wrong to express feelings of joy, but I reassured myself that regardless of the situation I had worked hard and deserved this and the feelings of excitement that followed.

A rumour I had overheard that we were being stationed to France within the following days was confirmed by our warden, only increasing my excitement, not only being of French descent but fluent in the language as well.

"French boys!!" Squealed my friend Esma.

I stifled a laugh at her comment as she grabbed my arm, obviously beaming at the news. Esma and I had completed our training together, not only was she my best friend of several years but someone I could confide in. She always managed to find the good in situations as well as people. 

I watched in laughter as her and several of the other girls began to clap their hands together and twirl about in their uniforms. Esma grabbed by hands and began to move them about frantically.

"Oui, Oui!" I spoke, attempting a French accent. We both giggled and collapsed into each other's arms.

"Our last night in London." I grinned. "What should we do?" 

"Oh my god, we have to go out dancing!" She spoke with wide eyes, tucking her dark unruly curls behind her ears. 

Most of our lives Esma and I had been mistaken as sisters. We both had the same olive complexion, brown eyes, and dark hair, although hers sprung out in full curls coming just above her collar bone whilst my hair hung straight, coming just below my chest.

Too excited with the journey that lay ahead of us, Esma and I had both completely disregarded our warden's demands and instead sat down on the chairs to plan our evening. 

"Girls!" Our warden snapped, "Chop, Chop!"

We both scrambled to our feet and followed the other nurses who were heading through the hospital doors.

Behind the door sat hundreds of impatient British soldiers waiting to be immunized and cleared for tomorrow's trip to France. With a brief look over their medical charts and a stick with a needle, they would be on their way.

Long lines of soldiers, dressed in nothing but t-shirts and boxers, began to form at each nurses station as I took my seat. 

I began preparing my equipment when the first troop approached me.

Taking his chart, I offered him a reassuring smile but was met with both a cocky smirk and an eyebrow raise. "Ma'am" He spoke with a sense of arrogance. "Alright, Mr. Durden..." I trailed off scanning his papers. After a brief check of his medical chart which met the health criteria for British soldiers, I motioned for him to bend over, "Drop your boxers." I spoke casually when I noticed his gaze travel up and down my body. I pulled out a fresh needle and tapped its side.

"For you lass, I'd do more than that." He grinned.

 I rolled my eyes and poked him, probably harder than needed and watched in pleasure as he squealed like a child.

"Next!" I yelled.

"That's gotta go in my' arse!?" Multiple soldiers questioned with unease as I prepared the needle.

"Oh for goodness sake," I spoke with frustration, pulling down their boxers and jabbing them before they were ready. After several lewd and inappropriate remarks from the men, my eyes began to feel heavy with tiredness, today's work catching up to me. "Next.." I spoke, motioning for the troop next in line to approach but before he did I noticed a large crowd forming in the middle of the hospital hall whilst several voices chanted.

"Hit him!!" One soldier yelled.

"Noo kick him!!!" Another shouted.

Several men were screaming and clapping as the action took place before their eyes. Getting up from my chair in annoyance to stop this foolishness, I pushed through the crowd of men and watched in astonishment as several punches and kicks flew through the air.

"Stop!" I yelled. "Hey! Stop it!" The fight was finally broken up and I watched in disbelief as the two men covered in both their own and each other's blood huffed in annoyance at the outcome.

"What's your problem?" I yelled at both of them as other nurses rushed to the scene.

"Do you want to get yourselves kicked out of the army? You're lucky there are no officers in sight." I frowned, looking between both men.

Noticing the two men were both in bad shape with split lips and grazed knuckles, I grabbed one of them by the arm and called for Esma.

"Esma, you go clean that one up, I'll take this one," I called and she nodded. 

Despite the height difference between the soldier and I, I pulled him roughly by the arm through the crowd of men like a child ready to be punished.

"oooooh..." Soldiers laughed and giggled.

"What's your name soldier?" I spoked in frustration, asking the man as we headed for a more private room with more medical supplies.

"Harry," He spoke with irritation, "Private Harry Styles."

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