Chapter 12

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~~I threw my head back in ecstasy as the rhythm of the music flowed throughout my body. Esma twirled around in circles and swayed her hips side to side. I bopped up and down, shaking my shoulders, singing to the tune of the song. Yelling was heard and all of a sudden machine guns filled my ears and the sound of grenades exploding. I dropped to the floor in a rush, taking Esma down with me.

"Esma! Esma, are you okay?" I yelled at the top of my lungs, shaking her limp body which now lay lifeless on the floor. Blood began to pour from her abdomen, ears, mouth, and nose. I tried to find the source of the bleeding but couldn't. I was shaking her rapidly, yelling at her to wake up.

"Esma! Please. Someone help me." I cried out, barely recognising my own voice. I held Esma's limp body to mine, squeezing her tight as if she were going to all of a sudden slip from grasp. My eyes darted around the club, thinking they would be met with a similar situation to my own, but instead I saw couples dancing and swinging about, laughing and moving to the beat of the music. When I looked back down to Esma she was gone. There was no blood on the floor, nothing. It was as if she was never there. I looked around in complete and utter confusion.

Large hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to my feet. 

Harry was standing before me, eyes wide and curious.

"Oh my god, Harry you have to help me!" I croaked. My voice was hoarse and unrecognisable.

"Shhh, shh." He comforted me, placing his hands on either side of my face. I leant into them and shut my eyes. "It's okay," Harry whispered cradling me in his arms, rocking me back and forth in the crowded club. "Come with me, you'll be safe." He took my hand into his and pulled me through the crowd of dancers before exiting the club.

We were now outside and Harry turned to face me."Harry... what's happening?" His eyes studied mine and he shook his head, taking a step back. I could no longer hear the machine guns but one single gunshot, a bullet flew through the side of Harry's head and out the other side. I was blinded by the blood in my eyes. Harry's blood. He dropped like a stone and lay lifeless on the floor, just as Esma had. I screamed and kneeled to him, cradling his head in my hands. His eyes were open and his lips parted.

"Get up!" A voice whispered from behind me. "Come on Lianna, get up!" ~~

My eyes shot open and I gasped.

"Lianna, get up." Esma was shaking me softly. "We're leaving soon."

Oh my gosh, it was a dream. My heart was racing and I sat up from the bed, taking deeps breaths.

"What' wrong?" Esma asked, fiddling with the end of her dress. I shook my head and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Whoah, are you okay?" She asked

"Yes." I nodded, holding her body to mine as I had in my dream.

I tried not to think about the dream. I tried not to think about Harry being in the dream, how he picked me up from the floor and cradled me in his arms, how his blood spurted across my face, or how he dropped like a stone after being shot. I forced myself to push the thoughts aside.

It took me ten minutes to get ready and although I wasn't in much of a mood to go out, I still made some effort with my outfit and hair but skipped the makeup altogether. Esma and Evie scurried out the door, excited for tonight's events. I took a step out the door before Daisy's small arm pulled me back. God, she had to stop grabbing me, it was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Do you want to explain yourself?" She cocked a brow, letting go of my arm with a rough tug.

I huffed, rubbing my eyes. I stood silent, unable to answer her.

"I think you're being a little too friendly with Harry. You told me you would hook us up... but no, instead I find you riding roller coasters with him." I shook my head and chewed on the corner of my lip. Okay good, so Daisy didn't see the almost kiss.

"Look, Daisy." I sighed. "I've done all I can for you and Harry, I've introduced you two, more than once, I mean what more can I do?" I asked.

"How about be a better friend?" Daisy stated bluntly, before walking out the door and shoving me on the way.

Guilt and frustration overcome my body. Although I didn't consider Daisy and I to be the greatest of friends, she was partially right. I wasn't treating her fairly. She was sensitive and insecure and I could tell me being with Harry bothered her greatly. If I wasn't going to pursue whatever it was between Harry and me, maybe it was only fair to let Daisy be with him instead. 

I caught up to the girls who were now entering the bar. It was crowded, full of English and French soldiers. All eyes turned to Esma, Evie, Daisy and myself. There weren't many girls in here and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under the many male gazes.

"They're over there!" Evie tapped me. We hurriedly made our way over to where Harry, Fergus and a few other unfamiliar faces were sitting in an already crowded booth. Harry and Fergus sat on either ends of the booth. 

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