Unworthy-Dean Winchester

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Dean stares down at you as you sleep next to him. Your arm across his stomach as his arm is wrapped around your shoulders while you are tucked up against his side. A sweet, fond smile is on the Winchester's face while he stares down at you with love in his eyes. Dean lets out a sigh before he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. Before Dean lets himself drift off to a deep sleep.

Dean stands on the front lawn of a house holding a bag full of groceries. The house is all white brick with an accenting red door, green as can be grass, and even completed with a nice, adorable white picket fence. Dean walks towards the house with a smile on his face. He twists open the door and quickly removes his shoes.

"Honey, I'm home." sing songs Dean joyfully as he steps into the kitchen

The groceries he was holding fall out of his hands as he stares at the heartbreaking sight in front of him.

Dean's stomach drops, as well as his heart shatter into pieces since there, right in front of him, is you kissing another man.

"What the hell is this?" asks a very angry Dean Winchester causing the man and you to pull apart

Your lips, as well as his, are swollen from kissing each other. The man's neck and face are covered in lipstick marks.

"Oh, hey Dean." You say with a smile as the man with you looks Dean up and down

Dean stands in shock feeling as if he is frozen as he watches the scene in front of him. Tears gathering in his beautiful green eyes.

"You were right, he is pathetic. Just look at him." says the man with a smirk

"I'll be waiting in the bedroom, babe." says the man pressing a kiss to your cheek before he walks away

"Y/N, what is this?" questions Dean as he steps towards you finally feeling unfrozen

"I knew you weren't the brightest tool in the shed but I didn't know you are this dumb." You say with a chuckle

"Why would you do this? I thought you loved me." says Dean as a few tears fall down his face

"Dean, you cannot be that dumb. Who would love you? Everyone around you dies, and you know why because everything you touch you ruin. Also, you haven't had a serious girlfriend before and you have to know there is a reason for that, Dean. Nobody can stand being with you for longer than a night because you are a pest." You say causing more tears to fall down Dean's face as you take a tiny step closer to him while holding eye contact with him the whole time

"You are good in bed, I'll give you that, but that's about it. You have no other talents. You are a high school drop out with huge daddy issues. You can't even get out the words I love you out to me even though I have said it at least 20 times to you. Because you are too afraid to say those words. Scared that if you do I'll die because everyone you have said that too ends up dead. It's sad, Dean and I can't do it anymore." You say voicing all of Dean's deepest fears that you would say one day, that you would leave

"You-You don't mean that." gets out Dean feeling weak and sad

"Yes, I do, Dean and you know deep down that you never worthy of my love. You are unworthy of love, Dean Winchester." You say as tears stream down Dean's face

Dean wakes up with a small gasp from the nightmare. Dean looks around the room and panics a little as he sees you aren't next to me.

"Hey, babe." You chirp causing Dean's head to snap your way

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