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Third person POV
            "Hey Avery?" Riley said while walking into her sister's room.

            "Hey Riley." Avery replied.

            "What was that about?" Riley asked her sister.

           "What was what about?" Avery asked attempting to sound clueless.

            "Don't play dumb with me. On the subway, why did you yell and run off?" The brown-eyed girl asked.

            "So, I was telling Cass how I though this one kid was cute and she pushed me back and I landed on his lap." She explained

            "Was his name Nate?" The brunette questioned.

            "Yeah. How'd you know?"

            "That's Lucas' brother, and he's got a girlfriend." Riley explained.

            "Leave that part to me." Cass emerged from the hallway with Maya in tow. "We are gonna give you a makeover!" She exclaimed. "I originally bought the boxes of hair dye for me, but lets use them on you instead."

            "I don't know about this. Do you think I'll look good with black hair?" Avery asked unsure.

            "Yes! Your blonde hair is so boring." Riley said.

            "Ok, but if it turns out horribly I blame all of you." Avery said. "Hold up. Are you sure mom and dad are ok with this?"

            "Yep! I already asked." Maya said.

            "Alright! Let's get to work!" Riley said excitedly.

            They all worked meticulously to make Avery's hair look amazing. When they finished they were all extremely proud of themselves.

            "Oh my lanta. I love it! Thank you guys so much!" Avery yelled while hugging each of the girls.

            "You're so welcome! You look absolutely beautiful."  Riley, Maya, and Cass said all at the same time.

            "I love you guys." The now black haired girl said.

            "We love you too." They all said in unison, again.

            "Oh! By the way, I hope you don't mind but we are sleeping over. I already checked with the 'rents and we're good." Maya said.

            Once everyone was awake the next day they all took some of Riley's clothes, even Avery whose room was right next door, but she didn't get her own because they were "too far." Lucas and Zay then came to pick everybody up. Riley and Avery went with Lucas and while Maya and Cass went with Zay.

            "So how have you been Nate? We haven't really talked a lot." Lucas asked glancing in his rear view mirror.

            "Pretty good." He then leaned over and whispered in Avery's ear. "I like the new hair, it looks good on you." Avery bout fell out of her seat she was so shocked yet happy to hear that.

            "Thank you." She whispered back hoping he couldn't see her blush. The rest of the car ride was spent in a comfortable silence.

            Once they got to school they all walked in together and saw something that made them all stop dead in their tracks. It was Natile standing right in the middle of the hallway with her tongue halfway down Chase's throat. Nate continued to walk towards them.

            What the hell Natile?" He yelled sounding hurt.

            "Nate? I didn't know you were coming back!" She squealed.

            "Well I am back, I was going to surprise you, but I see you've already found someone else. I'm done with you. Congrats Chase." He said then stormed off in the other direction looking extremely hurt. Lucas decided that he probably needed his brother and decided to follow him.

            "Whatever. Come one Nat, forget that pussy." Chase said.

            "Yeah lets go." Natile followed him.
Oh my gosh I am so sorry y'all. I have been super busy with work and school and also worrying about mu brother and dad (long story) and I have had this chapter written for a few weeks just never got the time to type it. I am going to try to write regularly from now on but I just don't know how often it will be. I'm going to shoot for every other week so hopefully I can keep up with that.
Anyway I really hope y'all enjoyed that chapter and a special thanks to RucasFairytale for continuing to give me ideas for new chapters! Also, I'm not sure if I've already mentioned this but, WE HIT 1K READS! That means so much to me, more then y'all know I almost screamed when I read that. Thank you guys so much!
I love y'all!

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