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*monday morning*
*riley's outfit above*
Riley POV

     I was super nervous as I walked into school this morning. As soon as I walked in everyone's eyes were on me. I guess I could blame that on Lucas' arm wrapped around my waist protectively.

     "Yo Lucas who is this gorgeous girl here?" A guy – I'm assuming one of Lucas' friends, says pulling me out of my thoughts.

     "This girl is Riley, and she's mine." Lucas says, his hold on my waist tightening slightly. "Riley, this is zay."

     "Hi Zay." I say shyly.

     "Oh sugar, no need to be shy around me." He replies.

     "OK, that's enough." Lucas says. We then head to our lockers, which are conveniently right next to each other. If you're wondering, I got a tour of the school when we came to look at the house. I put all the stuff I don't need for the first half of the day into my locker and close it. Lucas and I only have first third lunch and seventh period together.

*after school*

     The first day of school went pretty well. I had fourth and sixth period with Maya and eighth with Zay.  meaning I am alone in second period which is OK. I saw Charlie today, but that was after school so I think I'm good. I got hit on by multiple guys especially on my way out of cheer practice but I just brushed that off. Currently I'm in my room filling out this "all about me" paper my science teacher assigned. I hate this kind of shit. It's so stupid.

*text message*
L: hey I'm kidnapping you
R: is it really kidnapping if I want to go?
L: idk just get ready I'm in your driveway
R: and what if I had plans today?
L:  you know no one here you have no plans
R: I hate you
L: just come to the door

     "Mom, dad, I'm leaving." I yell as I open the door.

     "OK, be home by curfew." I heard my mom yell as I took Lucas' hand and shut the door behind me.

Hey guys here is a new update like I said before I won't be doing regular updates but I'll be doing one every now and then I hope y'all like this and sorry that it's really short. Thanks for reading love y'all!



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