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Lucas POV

     Last night was hands-down the most fun I've had in a long time. It was so amazing, I honestly think I'm starting to fall for her, I know I know I've only known her three days but what can I say? I just love hanging out with her I couldn't help but kiss her when I dropped her off. I just, she is amazing. God what is happening to me?

Third POV (let me know if you like or not)

     "Peaches get your ass up now, I mean right now." Maya screamed towards Riley who was still sleeping.

     "What the hell Maya? I was sleeping peacefully." The brunette snapped back.

     "SPILL" was all Maya had to say and Riley told her everything.


     "Oh shut up." Riley said. "So, I was looking at the school website, and I was thinking about trying out for the cheer squad." Riley added.

     "You'd be great! You totally should." The blonde told her best friend.

     "Thanks the tryouts start at three so I'm going to go." The brunette said

     "I think you'll make it" Maya told her

     "I hope so." Riley replied.

     "OK so if you can throw a layout or better over here if not over there." The coach, Coach Darla yelled across the gym. There was about 35 girls there, and room for 15 girls on the varsity squad and 10 on the JV.

     "OK Riley you're up throw your best pass." Coach Darla told her. Riley started with a front tuck then went into a roundoff double back handspring whip double twist. Applause erupted after she finished and coach put a star by her name.
     "OK so for this stunt I want Darby and Missy basing Karla back spotting, and Riley flying. Riley have you ever flew before?" Coach asked.

     "Yes I flew at my old school for three years." Riley answered her.

     "OK so go straight up extension with a straight cradle." The coach instructed them. Riley's stunt group executed it perfectly and they all high-fived.

     "OK y'all can go home be back tomorrow at noon for the results." The coach yelled. Riley, Missy, Darby, and Karla were all talking and laughing.

     "So how ya likein Texas?" Darby asked.

     "I like it a lot, me and my neighbor, Lucas Friar, went on a date last night and he kissed me and told me he liked me." She told them.

     "That's awesome riles! Did you know that Lucas is the quarterback?" Karla asked.

     "Thanks and I didn't know that." Riley replied.

     "You know Lucas probably did that just because you're new. I really like him and I think we are going to start dating soon." Missy's shrill voice said.

     "That's where you're wrong Missy." Lucas's voice came from behind them as he put his arm around Riley.

     "Oh, well you will love me. I don't know what you see in her." Missy said while storming off.

     "Don't pay her no mind Riles She's just upset that I keep turning her down." The quarterback said.

     "She will never stop will she?" The soon to be a cheerleader asked.

     "No, not likely but let's not talk about that, I'm taking you school shoppin." Lucas told her.

     "OK let's go." Riley answered

Thanks for reading y'all! Do y'all like third person POV or should I keep doing it between Riley and Lucas or both? Y'all can decide. Thanks so much for the views and votes. Love y'all!!!

When in Texas...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora