Kanej ♣

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*Wraith06 & FaceBrekker Chat*

FaceBrekker:  I need you to stake-out with me tonight. Meet me outside the Slat at three bells.

Wraith06: Why not ask Jesper?

FaceBrekker: If I wanted Jesper I wouldn't be asking you now would I? Just do it.

Wraith06: Would it honestly kill you to ask politely?

FaceBrekker: Would it make you do what you're told any faster?

Wraith06: Don't answer my question with another question.

Wraith06: And since you're so hellbent on being an utter bastard you can find someone else to sit and suffer through several hours of your charm.

*Wraith06 has blocked FaceBrekker*

FaceBrekkerWraith, this is not a good time for you to have developed a sense of contumacy.

FaceBrekker: Hello?

FaceBrekker: Inej?

FaceBrekker: Answer me!

FaceBrekker: For fuck sake Inej did you just block me?

FaceBrekker: How mature of you

FaceBrekker: Okay fine! Saints, you are insufferable. I'm sorry, alright?

FaceBrekker: Answer me

FaceBrekker: Arrghh?!!?!!

FaceBrekker: Please Inej, will you respond to my texts?

FaceBrekker: There! Are you satisfied? 

- - - -

*Wraith06 & Waffle_Queen Chat*

Wraith06: Are all men either monsters or filth?

Waffle_Queen: Oh love, of course not. If they all were I'd have found myself another pretty Grisha girl to cuddle up to by now.

Waffle_Queen: But in all seriousness, what did he do?

Wraith06: He's acting like a complete tyrant! It's as though he hasn't a single moral bone in his body! Cruel, unfeeling, rude prick is what he is!

Waffle_Queen: Let me rephrase: what has he done that isn't already typically Kaz?

Wraith06: I hate him

Waffle_Queen:  No, you don't.

Wraith06: Well, whatever it is it's something close to hatred.

{ crow club ♠ soc au }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ