Chapter 18: V I C T O R I A

Start from the beginning

"Enough! You have gone too far!"

Blood continued to boil as my brothers and their better halves tried to calm me. But I couldn't. I couldn't when my own father would defend a woman like her instead of his own daughter. I feel so alone because of him.

"One word to my brothers, they could abdicate the throne and Nana had lack any trust in you as Heir. That woman had thought me to be a vehement woman, and I am not afraid to be one right here right now."

"You can't do that!"

"Watch me! You do not know who I am. What your daughter has become but you will learn now as you continue to defend that woman that destroyed this very family and placed you and this family in nothing but humiliation."

"Is this what you learned from being part of that barbaric sport, Francheska?"

"This is me finally setting that woman straight. This is what any daughter would do when her family is being placed under scrutiny by an adulteress!"

Then I felt water thrown to my face. Some splashing at the dress I wore, and a copious amount burning through my lungs. But the tears suddenly formed as I saw who did it. I would have expected such a gesture from Camilla. But never my own father.

"Sometimes, I wish Mum was alive. I don't care if you married that whore as long as she was alive. She died and I lost the only parent I ever have!"

I didn't let any of them get another word as I began walking away. A small part of me thankful I decided to stay in the castle for Christmas. The tears continued to flow as I dashed the lengthy hallways in my heels. I didn't care if the butlers or maids saw me, all I wanted was to go to bed and wish this night would just be over with.


It was 11pm but I was still awake and in no mood to have anyone in my room. Continuously, everyone from the table had a rounds in knocking at my door, urging me to come out. I could faintly hear my own father at a moment before leaving. It gone for an hour or so before it ended completely and I was left in silence.

I closed my eyes and continued praying. I just prayed that God could give me even just a moment more with my Mum. A moment where I could still be this little girl with nothing to prove to the world. I want to be the little girl again that wanted nothing more than to make her Mum proud.

I jolted as my phone suddenly rang. A familiar sound of Kenny's ringtone. I smiled clearing my throat as I answered the phone.

"Mega Man. Merry Christmas."

'Merry Christmas, Princess. I miss you.'

"Miss you too. So how is Vanessa and Hilary torturing you this time?"

'How do you know?'

"I just do."

'Well not only my sister and mother, my Dad is also annoying me into flying all the way to UK just to hunt you down.'

"Do you have room for another if I do come?"

My eyes lingering on my luggage and I realize now Marty's words. Maybe Kenny did love me, maybe we could make this work. Maybe for once I could be able to ignore the fear I had and simply just live my life the way it was.

'Princess, if you can ceremoniously come here before Christmas Eve then I'll tell Mom to add another place. But I know how the holidays work. All flights would probably be booked.'

I stood pressing the loudspeaker as I began piling all my clothes into the luggage. If this was really meant to be, then it will be.

"Want to bet on it then?"

There was silence but I continued on with my luggage. It would take nearly an hour and half to handle myself and request for a jet, but I would do everything I could to be with him. To be with him and be with the man I love. I need him more than I ever thought possible.

'Princess, I don't want you to be with me when this is the only real time you could be with your family.'

"They'll understand."

I knew my brothers and my grandparents would understand.

'Just tell me when and where I'll fetch you.'

"Alright, I Love you."

I hang up and halted in my steps as I realized something. I groaned realizing I just told him I loved him on the phone. Bloody hell. I should have told him in person and not here. I realized the stupidity as I continued packing my clothes, finally opening the door to my room upon Meghan and the heavily pregnant Kate knocking.

"Where are you going? We still have Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow night." Kate questioned but the smile on her face couldn't be more evident.

"Screw the bloody Dinner. I prefer Hilary's cooking."


"Kenny's mother." Meghan supplied halting me from my task as she wrapped her arms around me. Kate finally joining around in the action. "I'm so thankful for what you did. If only you heard how your grandma practically tear another hole to your Dad and Camilla."

I scoffed not wanting to think as much about the woman anymore.

"So why are you leaving all of a sudden?"

"The man I love is waiting for me."

I noticed the two of them share the smile before Kate begrudgingly handed a couple of quid. I looked at them in question as they shared a laughter.

"You finally tell him about yourself?"

I simply shrugged. I was more afraid about telling him about my real self.

"Let's just see how everything goes."

We shared another nod before they began helping me with the rest of my luggage. For what it was worth, I was going to do something I've never done and I would dive deeper into all of this without looking at the consequence.

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